Split all of your Tilemaps and Images into Tilesets or Tiles
by: YukkiTimmy version: 1.0
The program itself is pretty self explanatory,
before you can start tiling your image, you need to select an input image and an output folder.
You also have to choose a compatible tile width an height, so your image has to be divisible by your tile dimensions, for example: This works: 128px X 256px | width: 16px height: 32px This doesn't: 128px X 256px | width: 11px height: 19px
With the printing mode switch, you can choose if you either want, every tile as an image or if you want one single tileset
Then just press start!
A offset setting that lets you choose the start position
A spacing setting that lets you choose a spacing between every tile, so that you could have a 1px thick grid
A sorting algorithm that prints similar looking images next to each other, so you have a nicer looking tileset (basic implementatin done WIP)
Isometric Mode that prints out isometric tiles
HTML5/Mac/Linux support
I am very thankful for all your feedback and suggestions!
You can use the code at your heart's content, but please mention me in the credits or in the part of the code in a comment c: