Collection of useful repositories divided per exam.
See also oral questions in the Exams repository.
Template Thesis Cover - AlessandroBerti
- Notes 2018-19 - lucacorbucci - in italian 🇮🇹
- Formulary - GaspareG - Physical operators cost and result size
- Community Notes - feel free to integrate your notes and keep the repo updated
- Exercises 2018-19 - giacomodeliberali - Lab and assignments
- Exercises 2018-19 - LorenzoBellomo - Exercises and assignments
- Exercises 2018-19 - andybbruno - Exercises and assignments: Java, Haskell and Python code
- Exercises 2018-19 - lapotolo - Exercises and assigments
- Exercises 2019-20 - GaspareG - Assigments
- Excercises 2020-21 - piazzesiNiccolo - Excercises and assignments
- Excercises 2020-21 - vincenzopalazzo - Assigments and Haskell Excercises
- Community Notes - feel free to integrate your notes and keep the repo updated
- BeepBeep - yellow-team - Project 2018-19
- GoOutSafe - Squad002 - Project 2020-21
- GoOutSafe - grey-team - Project 2020-21
- Notes and answers - notes that i took during the course + answers to the questions given to continous learners
- MMIAB-PRIMER - A.Y 2021/22 first team assignment
- mmiab-main - A.Y 2021/22 second team assignment
- The Power of Two Choices - guanaco96 - Final report 2018-19
- An FPT Algorithm for Approximated Threewidth - laurab1 - Final report 2018-19
- Notes 2018-19 - lucacorbucci - in italian 🇮🇹
- Exercises - flandolfi - A collection of exercises (with solutions) from past exams from 2010 to 2018
- Algorithm implementation - GaspareG - Implementation in C++ of some the algorithms seen in the course
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems: _Solver for Kakuro - MarioBonse
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Heuristics for Arc-Consistency Algorithms - Donato Meoli
- Propositional Logic: Improving Boolean Satisfiability Algorithms - Donato Meoli
- Planning: Classical Planning Approaches - Donato Meoli
- Probabilistic Reasoning over Time: Viterbi Algorithm - Donato Meoli
- TwoPaCo - GaspareG - Slides of exam seminar (subject: TwoPaCo, an efficient algorithm for compacted de Bruijn graph construction)
Exercises 2018-19 - GaspareG - Solutions of all the homeworks and some exams
Exercises 2018-19 - lorenzo2beretta - Homeworks solutions
Exercises 2017-18 - lapotolo - Homeworks solutions
Exercises 2020-21 - vincenzopalazzo - Homeworks solutions
Report 2020-21 - vincenzopalazzo - Report on Segment Tree
Excercises 2020-21 - piazzesiNiccolo - Homework solutions
Report on Union Find- piazzesiNiccolo - my report on Union-Find data structures
- Compute efficiently the QR factorization of a matrix
given the QR factorization ofA
- Lucio Messina and Ivan Carosi - Project 2018-19 (14 NoML) + report with lecturers feedback. - Neural Network's implementation using either the Stochastic Gradient Descent or the Conjugate Gradient Descent as optimization algorithm - germz01 - Project 2018-19
- 2-norm matrix calculus as an uncostrained optimization problem with the "Conjugate Gradient" and "Steppeste Descent Direction" algorithms - MarioBonse - Project 2018-19
- Quadratic Min-Cost Flow - guanaco96 - Project 2018-19: a solver for quadratic separable min-cost flow problem relying on conjugate gradient algorithm
- Constrained & Unconstrained Optimizers with notebooks - Donato Meoli
- Neuradillo2.0 - Gradient Descent, L-BFGS, Bundle Methods -FraCorti and GiovanniSorice- Project 2019-20
- Appunti ottimizzazione - Federica Di Pasquale
- Quadratic Disjoint simplices - matteodefra - Solution of quadratic optimization problem using dual and subgradient methods
- Be the first to contribute, open a pull request with your material!
- Be the first to contribute, open a pull request with your material!
- Notes 2020-2021 - Erica Cau, Federico Mazzoni - in Italian
- Notes 2019-20 - lucacorbucci - in italian 🇮🇹
- Tennis Analysis - Alex Colucci, Domenico Romano, Jacopo Bandoni - Project 2021-22
- Customer's analysis - Diletta Goglia, Marco Petix - DM Project 2020-21
- IBM dataset - Erica Cau, Alfonso Ferraro, Simona Mazzarino, Federico Mazzoni - Project for Data Mining I 2020-21
- Online Retail: Customer's analysis - Antonio Strippoli, Valerio Mariani - Project 2020-21
- Online Retail - Donato Meoli, Enrico D'Arco, Luigi Quarantiello - Project 2020-21
- Online Retail - Alex Pasquali, Elia Piccoli, Nicola Gugole - Project 2020-21
- Carvana Car Auctions - andybbruno, LorenzoBellomo, martascalisi - Project 2019-20
- Credit Card Default - GaspareG - Project 2018-19
- Credit Card Default - lucacorbucci, AlessandroBerti - Project 2018-19
- Decomposition_Structures_for_SCEPs - laurab1 - Seminar for the final exam 2018-19
- Gendered Pronoun Resolution Gaspare Ferraro, Simone Spagnoli, Lucio Messina - an ensemble learning system to match pronouns with their references avoiding gender bias (kaggle competition).
- Hate Speech Detection - Giovanni Sorice, Francesco Corti - Evalita-2020 challenge, build an Hate Speech Detector that given a tweet is able to recognize, if it contains hateful content or not - Project 2019-20
- Community Notes - feel free to integrate your notes and keep the repo updated
- LightNeuron beamer - hybrs - Seminar for the final exam 2018-19: Beamer presentation on TURLA LIGHTNEURON
- OpenSSH-Backdoors - GaspareG - Seminar for the final exam 2018-19: A landscape of OpenSSH backdoors
- GreyBox Fuzzing - LorenzoBellomo - Seminar 2018-19
- IMD Security - Paoletti Riccardo - 2021
- Notes 2021-22 - robbespo00 - English
- Notes 2019-20 - rmassidda - in english 🇺🇸
- Notes 2019-20 - lucacorbucci - in italian 🇮🇹
- Exercises - flandolfi - A collection of exercises (with solutions) from past exams
- Notes 2020/2021 - vincenzopalazzo - A detailed summary of all the IR program.
- Graph DB Presentation - vincenzopalazzo - A presentation about Graph Databases.
Notes and materials:
- Notes (2019-2020) - Davide Montagno B. - Not Reviewed.
- Tutorial / Demo - Alex Pasquali - Simple signal and image processing tutorial with Matlab
- Project (january2021) - Giovanni Sorice - Final coding project n.6 - Compressive Transformer for music generation (Code, report and slides)
- Project (2019) - MarioBonse - Final project, Sketch RNN, variational autoencoder for sketch generation
Midterm 1:
- Midterm1 (March 2021) - Alex Pasquali - Autoregressive models
- Midterm1 (March 2020) - Davide Montagno B. - Introduction to Convolution Operators and gradient properties
- Midterm1 (March 2020) - Diletta Goglia - Image processing with SIFT
Midterm 2:
- Midterm2 (April 2021) - Alex Pasquali - Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)
- Midterm2 (May 2020) - Davide Montagno B. - LDA for images
- Midterm2 (May 2020) - Diletta Goglia - HMMs for timeseries forecasting
Midterm 3:
- Midterm3 (May 2021) - Alex Pasquali - Autoencoders
- Midterm3 (June 2020) - Davide Montagno B. - Complete comparison between LSTM and GRU
- Midterm3 (June 2020) - Diletta Goglia - Gated RNN
Midterm 4:
- Midterm4 (July 2021) - Alex Pasquali - Paper review: Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay
- Midterm4 (August 2020) - Davide Montagno B. - Introduction to Creative Generative Adversarial Network (Facebook)
- Midterm4 (June 2020) - Diletta Goglia - CNN for video processing: a review
- Be the first to contribute, open a pull request with your material!
LCI18 - lapotolo - Project 2018-19: A little compiler for a little language
Seminar 2020-21 - vincenzopalazzo - Seminar on Procedure Abstraction from an OOP point of view
Parsing Expression Grammars - piazzesiNiccolo - My seminar for the final exam
MicroC compiler - piazzesiNiccolo - Final project for the 2020/21 A.Y.
- Project 2020-21 - Alex Pasquali and Gaetano Antonicchio (project type A + report)
- Project 2019-20 Paolo Labruna and Lucio Messina (standard project, type A + report with lecturer feedback).
- Notes 2019-20 - davidemontagnob - in english :en:
- Notes 2019-20 - wikilele - Summary done while preparing for the exam
- Project 2018-19 - MarioBonse
- Project 2018-19 - guanaco96
- Neural Networks & Support Vector Machines with notebooks - dmeoli
- Project 2019-20 - Neuradillo -GiovanniSorice and FraCorti - (standard project, type A + report).
- Smart Street Lights IoT - Alex Colucci, Domenico Romano - Project 2020-21
- eWee: user wellness and energy efficience - daquinoaldo, samuelesabella, dtortorella - Project 2018-19 (home automation)
- SmartCoffee: IoT + AI to remove queues - Andrea Bruno, Ruggiero Santo - Project 2018-19
- Notes 2019-20 - davidemontagnob - in italian 🇮🇹
- Notes - lucacorbucci, AlessandroBerti - in italian 🇮🇹
- Utility: Docker container - Matteo Ronchetti - Docker container with GCC 8.3, GRPPI and rplsh that can be used to compile projects for the course
- Assignments 2020 - MarioBonse
- Assignments - lucacorbucci
- Assignments - AlessandroBerti
- Assignments + Autonomic Farm Pattern - giacomodeliberali - Assignments and project 2018-19
- Assignments + BSP - LorenzoBellomo - Assignments and project 2018-19
- TSP with Genetic Algorithms - FraCorti - Project 2020-21
- PRUDEnce - karjudev - Project 2020-21 - Free choice
- Parallel Boruvka - matteodefra - Parallel implementation of the Boruvka (or Sollin's) algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph
- Autonomic Farm Pattern - lucacorbucci - Project 2018-19
- Autonomic Farm Pattern - AlessandroBerti - Project 2018-19
- ParallelPrefix - GaspareG - Project 2017-18
- aco tsp - Lucio Messina - Project 2017-18
- ImageWatermarking - magemma - Project 2017-18
- ImgWatermark - antonio-sisbarra - Project 2017-18
- MapReduce - galatea058 - Project 2017-18 (?)
- cpp-bps project - vincenzopalazzo - Project 2020/2021 related to frameworks developments with a curated C++ and cmake file.
- Voting DApp - Alex Colucci - FinalTerm 2021-21
- SmartAuctions - lucacorbucci - Project 2018-19 (blockchain)
- Analysing Kademlia DHT - bongi23 - MidTerm 2018-19
- Kademlia DHT Simulator - MidTerm 2018-19
- Analysing the Kademlia DHT - lucacorbucci - MidTerm 2018-19
- All projects - LorenzoBellomo - MidTerm, FinalTerm and DAPP 2018-2019
- COBrA_Dapps - AlessandroBerti - Project 2017-18 (blockchain)
- COBrA - daquinoaldo - Project 2017-18 (blockchain)
- DynamicOverlayGenerator - antonio-sisbarra - Project 2017-18 (graph analysis)
- Chord - AlessandroBerti - MidTerm 2017-18
- ChordDHTSimulator - daquinoaldo - MidTerm 2017-18
- Kademlia DHT simulator - giacomodeliberali
- Smart Auctions: Dutch and Vickery auctions on Ethereum - giacomodeliberali
- SpyGoIpfs - vincenzopalazzo - First MidTerm 2020/2021
- Votes Platform - vincenzopalazzo - Final MidTerm 2020/2021
- derivationtree project - vincenzopalazzo IMP derivation tree project.
- Mind map - Diletta Goglia - Map of the whole programme of ROB course, A.Y. 2019/20
- a data visualization website about dblp data - GaspareG - Project 2017-18
- d3 edge crossing minimization: draw graphs minimising the number of edge crossings - Lucio Messina - Project 2017-18
- A Process Algebra for Quantum Processes - laurab1 - Seminar 2018-19
- Checking Security of Java Bytecode by Abstract Interpretation - LorenzoBellomo - Seminar 2018-19
- Semantic Web - Diletta Goglia - Final project and Lecture notes
- Semantic Web - Federico Mazzoni - Final project (ontology and answers)
- RoboComment - Project 2019-20 (A)
- ArtGuide - Project 2019-20 (B)
- S&EI material A.Y. 2019/20 - Diletta Goglia - Notes from lectures, final essay and midterm presentation
- Be the first to contribute, open a pull request with your material!