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Starchild is a responsive web app, which shows astronomic events in multiple ways, including information about moon phases, weather, and several ways of viewing and filtering the events.

A REST API is exposed in the back-end using expressJS, which manages the front-end requests to retrieve the data from a non relational Mongo Atlas database, which uses mongoose to map the data. Multiple APIs are planned to be used for data gathering.

The front-end is mainly done in Vuetify, with axios to send requests to the back-end.

In its whole, it is a mélange of JavaScript ES6 and HTML5, among other npm utilities such as: bcrypt, cors, helmet, dotenv, jsonwebtoken and morgan.

The app is currently a work in progress and it is planned to be deployed on Netlify and Heroku.

The developing team consists on three students from Reboot Academy:

Please, remember that, as of today (2021/02/26), the app is still a work in progress. Specifications below are subject to change.

You can test it here.


Simple enough, fork the project and run npm install in your console.

Database model (@ 26/02/2021)

As previosly stated, the database used is non-relational MongoDB database. As the project is a work in progress, take into account that we may be using Firebase for push notifications.

The model consists on 3 collections:


Field Type Ref
email String
password String
username String
favourites [ObjectId] Events
comments [ObjectId] Comments
name String
surname String
birthDate Date
location String
work String


Field Type Ref
date Date
title String
description String
category Enum
moon Enum
weather Enum
magnitude Number
comments [ObjectId] Comments


Field Type Ref
user ObjectId Users
event ObjectId Events
text String
responses [ObjectId] Comments
parent ObjectId Comments
likes [ObjectId] Users

There are a DTO object too that are used along the app witch includes the following fields:

  • Calendar event DTO

    date, title, category

API endpoints (@ 26/02/2021)

Every endpoint is preceeded by /api, and requires user authentication. Where possible, pagination ("Pag.") is used with limit and page. You know how it goes: limit are the items per page, page is the page to get from 0 to whatever.

  • Auth

Verb Route Description
POST /auth/users/signup sign up
POST /auth/users/login login
  • Users

Verb Route Description
GET /users/me get user profile
PUT /users/me update user profile
DELETE /users/me delete user
  • Events

Verb Route Description Pag.
GET /events/lasts get last events with pagination limit, page
GET /events/calendardtos/:year/:month get all events by provided date
GET /events/:eventId get event data
GET /events/:category get all events of a category limit, page
PUT /events/favourite/:eventId add favourite to user and event
  • Comments

Verb Route Description Pag.
GET /comments retrieve comments from event file limit, page
POST /comments add comment to event file
PUT /comments/:commentId edit comment from event file
DELETE /comments/:commentId delete comment from event file

We are made of stardust.- Carl Sagan.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 3

