Just get sick of the official homebrew formulas bundled with loads of useless 💩crap dependencies.
I mean, why should I need a FUCKING libx11
installed on the macOS when I just want my ffmpeg
, right? Okay, screw it, I'm gonna use my own formulas.
All the taps are built just for my own scorching and fan-loudy 16-inch MBP (Man, Intel CPU just sucks!) and pleasure (e.g., I don't care about 🍺 on 🐧, because major package managers on 🐧 are much more superior than 🍺, what kind of moron will use Homebrew on Linux distros??), so cross-platform compatibility is never my concern.
官方的包硬是要绑一大堆用不上的依赖,还莫得办法让用户自己选。我说,在 macOS 上就想弄个 ffmpeg
结果居然要装 libx11
,可把 👴 整不会啦。彳亍,我搞点自己的包儿。
所有的包都是为我自己的又热又吵的 19 款 MacBook Pro(牙膏厂过于无能,给 👴 爪巴!)和乐子构建的 (我不关心要在 Linux 上使,人家 Linux 的主流包管理器可比你这个辣鸡 Homebrew 不知道高到哪里去了),所以莫得跨平台兼容性。