CREATED 2023/11/18
- generate home directory
- install node
- install web hook dependencies (express, axis, jwt, crypto)
- install python and virtual environment at project root ⁃ update line 144 of app.js scriptPath to point to python3 in venv
- set up/check .env file and test it is seeing values
if self hosted, set up launchctl
- create com.clarity.webhook.plist at /library/launchdaemons/ (copy one from here)
- load it
- update ENV VARIABLES section to house all local variables needed (Add to plist created 5.1 if using launchctl)
- set up port forwarding
- set up SSL
START/STOP npm start ctrl+C
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d
/ (GET) curl -X GET http://localhost:4040
/validate (GET) curl --location 'http://localhost:4040/validate' --header 'Authorization: Bearer '
/register (POST)
curl -X POST http://localhost:4040/register \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"username": "[email protected]", "password": "yourpassword"}'
/email_verification (GET)
/prm/twilio (POST) curl -X POST 'http://localhost:4040/prm/twilio' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"ApiVersion":"2010-04-01","MessagingServiceSid":"MG607ea556bd29ee6355e4aa9948118bc4","SmsSid":"SMd5e91ae1d64f785de7f7875b6fc88fc4","SmsStatus":"received","SmsMessageSid":"SMd5e91ae1d64f785de7f7875b6fc88fc4","NumSegments":"1","From":"+17786783674","ToState":"CA","MessageSid":"SMd5e91ae1d64f785de7f7875b6fc88fc4","AccountSid":"ACce5f97d5c9b3ad77f38a8c19da249321","ToZip":"95818","FromCountry":"CA","ToCity":"SACRAMENTO","FromCity":"VICTORIA","To":"+19169999925","FromZip":"","Body":"Thanks man. It’s been quite a year","ToCountry":"US","FromState":"BC","NumMedia":"0"}'
/convert-xlsx-to-json (POST) curl -X POST http://localhost:4040/convert-xlsx-to-json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fileUrl": , "formName": "Tiercon"}' AVAILABLE FORM NAMES - Tiercon