What is ReportSystem? ReportSystem it can do when you report someone it will send message to your discord.
- Step 1. Go to discord server you want create.
- step 2. Click on channel you want create. note: text channel only.
- step 3. Click setting.
- setp 4. Click Integrations.
- setp 5. Copy webhook link and save done.
- Video: (NOTE: This is not my video)
- Link Video How to create webhook: https://youtu.be/fKksxz2Gdnc
Copy your Discord Webhook link then paste it in config at api.
#enter webhook link
api: your webhook
#example api: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884644588441178192/9LJ1Y6GfEMSOlxYY3uvDg1axFYMIN6zF06uprz5iT18sErjnN_6-qS6ChSa5rtERR5KP
This plugin dont have permission because it allowed everyone report player