(UTC +05:30) - abhinavtrajan.xyz
- @DaRealClayzane
Starred repositories
Modern, Functional Design System & Component Library for React
vishARP is a lightweight Python-based networking tool designed for network reconnaissance and diagnostics. Its primary purpose is to simplify the process of ARP-based device discovery, MAC address …
A windows backdoor, TCP reverse shell using a netcat listener and DNS (no-ip) currently bypassing defender as of 03/18/2024
This PowerShell script is designed as ransomware for testing analysis. It performs various tasks on a Windows operating system, such as encrypting files, establishing remote connections, and execut…
A simple backdoor made in powershell using a DNS server.
A simple ruby exploit for the windows kernal for privilege escalation
WinRAR version 6.22 - Remote Code Execution via ZIP archive EXPLOIT WinRAR version 6.22 Vulnerability
Generate region based IP addresses, Check for online IP's using proxychains and multi-threading, check for reliable open ports, geoip targets and generates a list
CVE-2024-30255 This repository contains a proof-of-concept (PoC) Python script to demonstrate the CPU exhaustion vulnerability in Envoy caused by a flood of CONTINUATION frames.
PoC to cause an HTTP/2 endpoint to read arbitrary amounts of header data by sending an excessive number of CONTINUATION frames
This script serves as a proof of concept (PoC) for the CVE-2024-XXXX vulnerability in AnyDesk version 7.0.15. The vulnerability involves an unquoted service path, allowing an authorized but non-pri…
Windows/x64 - PIC Null-Free TCP Reverse Shell Shellcode. Platform: Windows X64 # Tested on: Windows 11 Home/Windows Server 2022 Standard/Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
BedrockBridge provides Bedrock Dedicated Servers with connection to discord for chat and commands
24/7 YouTube & Twitch Live stream
Cyberpunk-inspired web UI made easy. Get augmented.
🟢 | 💻 This source code showcases different types of C programming to help you understand how they work and what they are.
Source code for my blockchain tutorial series
nguyenphuminh / lisk-core
Forked from bitbeen/lisk-core💎 Lisk blockchain application platform
nguyenphuminh / Zilliqa
Forked from Zilliqa/ZilliqaZilliqa is the world's first high-throughput public blockchain platform - designed to scale to thousands of transactions per second.
The Stacks blockchain implementation
nguyenphuminh / rskj
Forked from rsksmart/rskjRSKj is a Java implementation of the RSK protocol.
nguyenphuminh / chainweb-node
Forked from kadena-io/chainweb-nodeChainweb: A Proof-of-Work Parallel-Chain Architecture for Massive Throughput
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