The Tmux Jump List plugin enhances session navigation in tmux
, similar to the Ctrl+O/I functionality in Vim. It allows users to easily jump between previous and next sessions, edit jump history, and reset the cursor position within tmux
Add the Tmux Jump List plugin to your list of tpm
plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'Nybkox/tmux-jump-list'
Hit prefix
+ I
inside a tmux
session to fetch the plugin and source it.
Once installed, the plugin automatically sets up keybindings for jumping between sessions and other functionalities, provided the default keybindings are not disabled in the configuration.
: Jump to the previous session.prefix+i
: Jump to the next session.prefix+J
: Edit the jump history.prefix+R
: Reset the cursor position in the current session.
These keybindings can be customized in the .tmux.conf
You can customize the plugin behavior by setting options in your .tmux.conf
Disable default keybindings:
set -g @tmux-jump-list-default-keybindings "false"
Set custom keybindings:
set -g @tmux-jump-list-jump-prev "your_custom_key"
set -g @tmux-jump-list-jump-next "your_custom_key"
set -g @tmux-jump-list-edit-history "your_custom_key"
set -g @tmux-jump-list-reset-cursor "your_custom_key"
You may need to manually give permission to plugin's scripts.
cd ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-jump-list
chmod u+x tmux-jump-list-plugin.tmux
chmod u+x ./**/*.sh