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Data down the delta


requires Python >=3.4 requires housepy (

sudo pip-3.4 install -r requirements.txt
Server management

yo, make sure the server is on top of the time:

sudo apt-get install ntp

Check it: timedatectl and sudo ntpq -p

sudo service nginx start

Can use this to show syntax errors in /etc/nginx.conf: sudo nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Might have to kill default running instances

mongo Alter /etc/mongo/mongo.conf to store data at mnt/data

sudo chown mongodb /mnt/data
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
sudo service mongo start
cat /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

After setup, run ./ to create indexes


Mongo, nginx, and monit should be configured -- see .smp files. Then: sudo ./scripts/

Checking processes
ps aux | grep python    # should show
ps aux | grep mongo
ps aux | grep nginx

Monit is used to keep up and running. Check its status: sudo monit status

Check disk space
sudo df -h
Check current memory usage
top; m
Check reasons for killed processes

Look at file sizes
sudo du -ah
Setup EBS Backups
sudo add-apt-repository "deb trusty universe multiverse"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb trusty-updates universe multiverse"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ec2-api-tools

nano .bashrc

ec2-create-snapshot <volume_id>

crontab -e
0 0 * * * source /home/ubuntu/.bashrc; ec2-create-snapshot <volume_id>

Note: this should be on the ubuntu crontab, to properly source the bashrc file


Static pages
Adding static pages

Simply add a template with the desired page name. eg, /example will automatically point to example.html note that all templates should inherit from page.html.

Ingestion interface
Ingesting data

Post that data to /ingest/<FeatureType>. Alternately, post it to /ingest if it has a FeatureType property inside of it. A module with a corresponding name will be loaded (hopefully) to process it.

Geo note: if there is no geometry included in a feature, the system will attempt to estimate one. It does this by looking for the closest features temporally on either end and making a weighted average. The geo_estimator processors will do this repeatedly until ambit data is used, presumably the most accurate.

Adding a new feature ingestion endpoint

Add a python module in the ingest folder with the name of the endpoint. eg, /ingest/rhino will load the module The module should contain a single function, ingest(request) which receives tornado request variables and which returns either GeoJSON or a flat dictionary with feature attributes.

  • t_utc must be provided - a UNIX timestamp in UTC
  • Expedition, t_created, and FeatureType are added automatically.
  • coordinates are automatically formated, so they may be specified in individual fields (eg, latitude, longitude) See in-module comments for more information (ingest/
API (view) interface
Calling the API

Basically, it's like this: /api/<view>/<output>?<query>

The view is what kind of thing you want back (eg, a FeatureCollection for features, or a json list of expeditions)

The output is json if it's missing, otherwise, something like "map".

The query defines the filter. This might be any property in the GeoJSON at all, but ones with fast db keys are:

  • Expedition (eg okavango_14)
  • Member (eg Jer)
  • startDate and endDate
  • geoBounds (upper left (NW), lower right (SE): lon_1,lat_1,lon_2,lat_2. So Okavango is something like 20,-17,26,-22

Can also do expeditionDay=N for the 24 hour period N days after the expedition start date specified in the config

By default, returns the first 100 results. add limit=N for more.
Sorted in ascending order by t_utc. To reverse, use order=descending.
Return only one feature for every resolution seconds.

Adding a new API endpoint

Add a python module in the api folder with the name of the endpoint. eg, /api/lion will load the module The module should contain a single function, assemble(tornado.Handler, search) which receives a server Handler and an assembled Mongo search document, and which returns an HTTP response.

Adding a new API output format

The server will automatically look in the templates/api folder for something named the same as the output parameter it was passed. So, for example, /api/features/map will load up "map.html". So maybe we would want "chart.html" or "sonification.html" or whatever -- anything html/javascript based. See templates/api/map.html for an example of how to subsequently load the JSON data asynchronously.

ie, add an html document in the templates/api folder, like map.html, but not that one, it's already there.

Advantage to dynamic loading of ingest and api modules

If they are bad, they won't crash the system


Copyright (c) 2015 Brian House and The Office for Creative Research

This code is released under the MIT License and is completely free to use for any purpose. See the LICENSE file for details.