A python lite log manage open repository, rotate your log files and send the msg to your dingtalk.
1.how to install:
you can use the git command clone this repository in to your logs path:
cd {your log path}
git clone --recursive https://github.com/OPN48/pyLogmanage.git && mv ./pyLogmanage/* ./ && mv ./pyLogmanage/.git ./.git && mv ./pyLogmanage/.gitignore ./.gitignore && rm -rf ./pyLogmanage
If you don't want clone in your logs path, and than you would be change the logFilePath and the logFileList values in ./logTools/config.py
logFilePath = os.getcwd()
logFileList = list(filter(None, [f if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == fileType else '' for f in os.listdir(logFilePath)]))
2.setting pyLogmanage:
$ python3 setup.py
用法: python3 setup.py [-options] [args...](执行初始化配置)
-url -durl 配置钉钉机器人url 默认:https://oapi.dingtalk.com/
-d -dingtalk 钉钉通知开关 默认:TRUE
-k -dkeyword 配置钉钉自定义关键词 默认:logdatatar
-w -warnsize 配置单日志文件大小告警值,单位MB 默认:500
-day -days 日志删除天数 默认:180
-n -nginx 使用nginx配置的服务器可使用 默认:TRUE
-u -uwsgi 使用uwsgi配置 需要在uwsgi.ini内配置master=true和touch-logreopen=/{log文件夹}/touchforlog 默认:TRUE
-f -file 日志文件后缀名 默认:.log
-l -lastlines 读取日志文件最后n行提供listener.py判断 默认:1000
-m -secondmax 1秒钟同时请求大于m条,告警,同时作为报文倍数分组step使用 默认:3
setting you dingtalk url:
$ python3 setup.py -url https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robo...
3.compress logs file
move the project file to your logs path, and adding a cronjob to run logdatatar.py
cd {your logs path} && python3 logdatatar.py
cd /home/log && python3 logdatatar.py
uWSGI setting:
open your uWSGI settings file uwsgi.ini , and add this:
master = true
touch-logreopen = {your logs path}/touchforlog
You will receive a msg on you dingtalk group, like this:
xxx_nginx_access.log 173.66MB
xxx_uwsgi.log 1.33MB
log-2020-01-01.tar.gz 50.33MB
4.listener logs adding a cronjob to run listener.py
cd {your logs path} && python3 listener.py
cd /home/log && python3 listener.py
You will receive a msg on you dingtalk group, like this:
【xxx.xxx.xxx.xx】The Last 1000 lines log:
【more than 3/s】: