[email protected] | Discord ; X
"The only truly secure system is one that’s powered off, cast in a block of concrete, sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.
But even then, someone will find a way in."
— Gene Spafford
19 years old;
CyberSecurity Engineer.
Always open to collaboration and discussions.
+ My Technical Stack & Expertise:
Python, Java, JavaScript, Bash, Node.js, Linux, Windows Forensics, Lua, Powershell.
+ And the ones I'm studying:
Networking, Forensics, Penetration Testing & Offensive Operations, OSINT, Malware Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Threat Hunting.
+ My prior experience covers:
Minecraft Plugin Development, Discord Bot Development, Web Scraping & Automation, Relational & NoSQL Databases (SQL, MongoDB), Web Application Security, Network Traffic Analysis, Malware Sandboxing, Reverse Engineering.