Mailjet's official Ruby wrapper, bootstraped with Mailjetter.
This gem helps you to:
- Send transactional emails through Mailjet API in Rails 3/4
- Manage your lists, contacts and campaigns, and much more...
- Track email delivery through event API
- Ruby 2.2.X
Rails ActionMailer integration designed for Rails 3.X and 4.X
IMPORTANT: Mailjet gem switched to API v3, the new API provided by Mailjet. For the wrapper for API v1, check the v1 branch.
Every code example can be found in the Mailjet Documentation
(Please refer to the Mailjet Documentation Repository to contribute to the documentation examples)
$ gem install mailjet
Add the following in your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'mailjet'
If you wish to use the most up to date version from Github, add the following in your Gemfile instead:
gem 'mailjet', :git => ''
and let the bundler magic happen
$ bundle install
You need a proper account with Mailjet. You can get the API key through the Mailjet interface in Account/Master API key
Add the keys to an initializer:
# initializers/mailjet.rb
Mailjet.configure do |config|
config.api_key = 'your-api-key'
config.secret_key = 'your-secret-key'
config.default_from = '[email protected]'
is optional if you send emails with :mailjet
's SMTP (below)
But if you are using Mailjet with Rails, you can simply generate it:
$ rails generate mailjet:initializer
Find more about the Mailjet Send API in the official guides
email = { :from_email => "your email",
:from_name => "Your name",
:subject => "Hello",
:text_part => "Hi",
:recipients => [{:email => "recipient email"}] }
test = Mailjet::Send.create(email)
# retrieve the API response
p test.attributes['Sent']
A quick walkthrough to use Rails Action Mailer here
First set your delivery method (here Mailjet SMTP relay servers):
# application.rb or config/environments specific settings, which take precedence
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :mailjet
Or if you prefer sending messages through Mailjet Send API:
# application.rb
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :mailjet_api
You can use mailjet specific options with delivery_method_options
as detailed in the official ActionMailer doc:
class AwesomeMailer < ApplicationMailer
def awesome_mail(user)
delivery_method_options: { api_key: 'your-api-key', secret_key: 'your-secret-key' }
Supported options are:
* :api_key
* :secret_key
* :'mj-prio'
* :'mj-campaign'
* :'mj-deduplicatecampaign'
* :'mj-templatelanguage'
* :'mj-templateerrorreporting'
* :'mj-templateerrordeliver'
* :'mj-templateid'
* :'mj-trackopen'
* :'mj-trackclick'
* :'mj-customid'
* :'mj-eventpayload'
* :'vars'
* :'headers'
* :'recipients'
Otherwise, you can pass the custom Mailjet SMTP headers directly:
headers['X-MJ-CustomID'] = 'rubyPR_Test_ID_1469790724'
headers['X-MJ-EventPayload'] = 'rubyPR_Test_Payload'
headers['X-MJ-TemplateLanguage'] = 'true'
Creating a Mailer:
$ rails generate mailer UserMailer
create app/mailers/user_mailer.rb
create app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
invoke erb
create app/views/user_mailer
create app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
create app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
invoke test_unit
create test/mailers/user_mailer_test.rb
create test/mailers/previews/user_mailer_preview.rb
In the UserMailer class you can set up your email method:
class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer
def welcome_email()
mail(from: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]",
subject: "This is a nice welcome email")
Next, create your templates in the views folder:
Hello world in HTML!
Hello world in plain text!
There's also the ability to set Mailjet custom headers
class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer
def welcome_email()
headers['X-MJ-CustomID'] = 'custom value'
headers['X-MJ-EventPayload'] = 'custom payload'
from: "[email protected]",
to: "[email protected]",
subject: "This is a nice welcome email"
For sending email, you can call the method:
# In this example, we are sending the email immediately
For more information on ActionMailer::MessageDelivery
, see the documentation HERE
This gem provide a convenient wrapper for consuming the mailjet API. The wrapper is highly inspired by ActiveResource even though it does not depend on it.
You can find out all the resources you can access to in the [Official API docs][apidocs].
Let's have a look at the power of this thin wrapper
- Class names' first letter is capitalized followed by the rest of the resource name in lowercase (e.g.
will beListrecipient
in ruby) - Ruby attribute names are the underscored versions of API attributes names (e.g.
will beis_active
in ruby)
Let's say we want to manage list recipients.
> recipients = Mailjet::Listrecipient.all(limit: 0)
=> [#<Mailjet::Listrecipient>, #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>]
By default, .all
will retrieve only 10 resources, so, you have to specify limit: 0
if you want to GET them all.
You can refine queries using API Filters*
as well as the following parameters:
- format:
:json, :xml, :rawxml, :html, :csv
) - limit: int (default: 10)
- offset: int (default: 0)
- sort:
[[:property, :asc], [:property, :desc]]
> Mailjet::Listrecipient.count
=> 83
> Mailjet::Listrecipient.first
=> #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>
> recipient = Mailjet::Listrecipient.find(id)
=> #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>
> recipient = Mailjet::Listrecipient.first
=> #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>
> recipient.is_active = false
=> false
> recipient.attributes
=> {...} # attributes hash
=> true
> recipient.update_attributes(is_active: true)
=> true
> recipient = Mailjet::Listrecipient.first
=> #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>
> recipient.delete
> Mailjet::Listrecipient.delete(123)
=> #<Mailjet::Listrecipient>
Some APIs allow the use of action endpoints:
To use them in this wrapper, the API endpoint is in the beginning, followed by an underscore, followed by the action you are performing.
For example, the following performs managemanycontacts
on the contactslist
where 4 is the listid
and 3025 is the jobid
Mailjet::Contactslist_managemanycontacts.find(4, 3025)
Each action endpoint requires the ID of the object you are changing. To 'create' (POST), pass the ID as a variable like such:
Mailjet::Contactslist_managecontact.create(id: 1, action: "unsub", email: "[email protected]", name: "tyler")
To 'find' (GET), pass the ID as a variable like such:
# will return all the lists containing the contact with id 1
Managing large amount of contacts asyncronously, uploading many contacts and returns a job_id
managecontactslists = Mailjet::Contact_managemanycontacts.create(contacts_lists: [{:ListID => 39, :action => "addnoforce"}], contacts: [{Email: '[email protected]'}])
To 'find' (GET) with also a job ID, pass two parameters - first, the ID of the object; second, the job ID:
Mailjet::Contactslist_managemanycontacts.find(1, 34062)
# where 1 is the contactlist id and 34062 is the job id
Some actions are not attached to a specific resource, like /contact/managemanycontacts. In these cases when there is a job ID but no ID for the object when 'find'ing, pass nil
as the first parameter:
Mailjet::Contact_managemanycontacts.find(nil, 34062)
In order to send emails through the API, you just have to create
a new Send
Mailjet::Send.create(from_email: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]", subject: "Mailjet is awesome", text_part: "Yes, it is!")
If you want to send it to multiple recipients, just use an array:
Mailjet::Send.create(from_email: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected], [email protected]", subject: "Mailjet is awesome", text_part: "Yes, it is!")
In order to Mailjet modifiers, you cannot use the regular form of Ruby 2 hashes. Instead, use a String e.g.: 'mj-prio' => 2
or a quoted symbol e.g.: 'mj-prio' => 2
In these modifiers, there is now the ability to add a Mailjet custom-id or Mailjet Custom payload using the following:
'mj-customid' => "A useful custom ID"
'mj-eventpayload' => '{"message": "hello world"}'
For more information on custom properties and available params, see the official doc.
You can setup your Rack application in order to receive feedback on emails you sent (clicks, etc.)
First notify Mailjet of your desired endpoint (say: '') at
Then configure Mailjet's Rack application to catch these callbacks.
A typical Rails/ActiveRecord installation would look like that:
# application.rb
config.middleware.use Mailjet::Rack::Endpoint, '/mailjet/callback' do |params| # using the same URL you just set in Mailjet's administration
email = params['email'].presence || params['original_address'] # original_address is for typofix events
if user = User.find_by_email(email)
Rails.logger.fatal "[Mailjet] User not found: #{email} -- DUMP #{params.inspect}"
# user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def process_email_callback(params)
# Returned events and options are described at
case params['event']
when 'open'
# Mailjet's invisible pixel was downloaded: user allowed for images to be seen
when 'click'
# a link (tracked by Mailjet) was clicked
when 'bounce'
# is user's email valid? Recipient not found
when 'spam'
# gateway or user flagged you
when 'blocked'
# gateway or user blocked you
when 'typofix'
# email routed from params['original_address'] to params['new_address']
Rails.logger.fatal "[Mailjet] Unknown event #{params['event']} for User #{self.inspect} -- DUMP #{params.inspect}"
Note that since it's a Rack application, any Ruby Rack framework (say: Sinatra, Padrino, etc.) is compatible.
For maximum reliability, the gem is tested against Mailjet's server for some parts, which means that valid credentials are needed. Do NOT use your production account (create a new one if needed), because some tests are destructive.
# GEM_ROOT/config.yml
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
secret_key: YOUR_SECRET_KEY
default_from: YOUR_REGISTERED_SENDER_EMAIL # the email you used to create the account should do it
Then at the root of the gem, simply run:
bundle exec rake
- Fork the project.
- Create a topic branch.
- Implement your feature or bug fix.
- Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
- Add specs for your feature or bug fix.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Submit a pull request. Please do not include changes to the gemspec, or version file.