Control your Tello drone using PowerShell Core and Azure Cognitive Services(to come)
Install the module from the powershellgallery using:
Install-Module 'PSTello' -Scope CurrentUser
- PowerShell Core (For building locally)
Connect to your Tello drones WLan.
Import-Module PSTello
$Socket = Connect-PSTello
Set-PSTelloKeyBindings -Socket $Socket
Using the snippet above you connect your Session to the drone and setup Keybindings to control it right within the console.
Keys | Function | Description |
Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow | TakeOff | "Start the drone" |
Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow | Land | "Land the drone" |
Escape | Emergency | "Emergency land the drone" |
Keys | Function | Description |
LeftArrow | MoveLeft20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to the left" |
RightArrow | MoveRight20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to the right" |
UpArrow | MoveForward20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to the front" |
DownArrow | MoveBackward20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to the back" |
Keys | Function | Description |
Ctrl+UpArrow | MoveHigher20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to higher" |
Ctrl+DownArrow | MoveLower20cm | "Move the drone 20cm to lower" |
Keys | Function | Description |
Ctrl+LeftArrow | RotateCCW20cm | "Rotate the drone 90 degrees Counter-CockWise" |
Ctrl+RightArrow | RotateCW20cm | "Rotate the drone 90 degrees CockWise" |
Keys | Function | Description |
Shift+UpArrow | FlipForward | "Flip the drone forwards" |
Shift+DownArrow | FlipBackward | "Flip the drone backwards" |
Shift+LeftArrow | FlipLeft | "Flip the drone left" |
Shift+RightArrow | FlipRight | "Flip the drone right" |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.