2019年毕业设计,网络音乐资源来自酷狗音乐,视频演示,本人邮箱:[email protected]
(A simple JavaFX MusicPlayer for practice,online music resources from KuGou music, video preview, my email: [email protected])
**项目中使用的音乐API数据收集仅用于学习研究,请勿将本项目使用的酷狗音乐API接口用来商业推广以及其他获利用途,如有版权问题请告知删除!The music API data collected in the project is only used for study and research. Please do not use the KuGou music API interface used in this project for commercial promotion and other profit-making purposes. If there is copyright issue, please inform us to delete! **
(KuGou Music API Reference Project: https://github.com/ecitlm/Kugou-api)
(During the learning process, I have referenced some excellent JavaFX projects:)
1.JavaFX music player:https://github.com/Mpmart08/MusicPlayer
2.JavaFX instant messaging client:https://github.com/GZYangKui/ChangLiao-Desktop
(Third-party libraries used by the project: JFoenix, AnimateFX, ControlFX, Gson, SQLite)