Weather forecast app
Sure, here's a brief description for the README file on your GitHub repository for an Ultimate Real-time Weather Forecast website:
This is a web application that provides real-time weather forecasts for your current location and allows you to retrieve weather forecasts for different cities. It offers essential weather information, including temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
- Real-time Weather: Get up-to-date weather information for your current location.
- City Forecast: Easily search and retrieve weather forecasts for different cities around the world.
- Detailed Data: Access temperature, humidity, and wind speed data to plan your day effectively.
Current Location Weather:
- Upon opening the website, it automatically detects your current location and displays the real-time weather information.
City Forecast:
- Use the search bar to enter the name of the city you want to get the forecast for.
- Click the search button, and the weather data for that city will be displayed.
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the index.html file in your web browser.
- List any external libraries, APIs, or resources that your project depends on.
- Omkar Penshanwar
This project is licensed under License. See the [] file for details.
- Mention any external sources or references you used for this project.
Feel free to customize this README file to fit your project's specific details. Good luck with your Ultimate Real-time Weather Forecast website!