Analysis code for "Topological time-series analysis with delay-variant embedding" manuscript.
Preprint at
- Quoc Hoan Tran: [email protected]
- Yoshihiko Hasegawa: [email protected]
Hasegawa Lab, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Download ph-compute folder and launch DelayVariantTopo\TopolologyAnalysis.sln
Calculate persistence diagrams from point clouds.
--nthreads : number of threads using for multi-processing (-1 for all possible threads)
--modulus : coefficient in the prime field Z/<p>Z to compute homology
--maxdim : maximum holes dimension to compute homology
--thres : maximum diameter to construct Rips complex
--format : format of the input (point-cloud, lower-distance, upper-distance, distance, dipha)
--outdir : directory for the output
--input : input file or file contains list of input files
--multi : compute single input file (0) or multi files in one input file (1)
--help : print usage option
Example: (see more at ph-compute\DelayVariantTopo\run-compute-persistent.bat
Release\PersistentRunner_D64.exe --nthreads 16 --maxdim 1 --format point-cloud --outdir output --input data\pcl_1.txt --multi 0
Release\PersistentRunner_D64.exe --nthreads -1 --maxdim 1 --format point-cloud --outdir output --input data\pcl_list.txt --multi 1
Notice that the core C++ code for this module is derived from Ripser, which is also available under an MIT license and copyright to Ulrich Baeur.
Bauer, Ulrich. "Ripser: a lean C++ code for the computation of Vietoris–Rips persistence barcodes."
Software available at https ://github. com/Ripser/ripser (2017).
Calculate 3-dimensional persistence diagrams for time-series data via delay-variant embedding.
--nthreads : number of threads using for multi-processing (-1 for all possible threads)
--emd : embedded dimension for delay-variant embedding
--modulus : coefficient in the prime field Z/<p>Z to compute homology
--maxdim : maximum holes dimension to compute homology
--thres : maximum diameter to construct Rips complex
--outdir : directory for the output
--input : input time-series file or folder
--multi : compute single series (0) or multi series in one input file (1)
--taumax : compute up to maximum value of tau
--npoints : embed up to number of points, default=0, normal delay embedding
--scale : downsampling scale for time series, default=1
--nskip : skip a number of time series
--help : print usage option
Example of time-series data for input (csv format):
For multi mode (multi=1), the programm will process one line as one time series (see more at timeseries/ECGFiveDays/run-compute-delay-PH.bat
Calculate kernel for 3-dimensional persistence diagrams.
--timehold : parameter sigmal in the kernel (=0 for optimal value)
--timetau : ratio of xi vs. sigmal in the kernel
--left : (left) input as list of barcodes
--right : (right) input as list of barcodes
--dim : dimension of holes to compute kernel
--skipinf : skip holes which have infinity death-scale (default=True)
--infval : replace infinity death-scales with a default value
--thres : threshold to skip holes with death-birth < thres (default=0 to use all holes)
--output : output filename for gram matrix
--posfix : posfix for output file
--method : method to compute kernel
0: L2_inner_multi_sse, 1: L2_squared_distance,
2: Slice Wasserstein, 3:L2_inner_multi_nosse, 4:riemmannian_metric
--theta_ndirs : number of direction in wasserstein slice distance for theta
--phi_ndirs : number of direction in wasserstein slice distance for phi
--alltau : use all tau (True), or single tau (False)
--opttau : specify single tau (enable if alltau=0)
if opttau > 0 -> calculate single-delay kernel with tau=opttau
if opttau <= 0 -> calculate single-delay kernel with tau specified in barcode list file
--help : print usage option
Example of list of barcodes for input (see more at timeseries/ECGFiveDays/run-compute-kernel.bat