Wherein I remake the entire project for the Jalasoft test from scratch
Currently working:
- sqlite3 database with seeds [activable by 'rails db:seeds']
- full CRUD [usable through Postman or alternatives]
- search by title/description [on /movies?search=<value>] and minimum rating [on /movies?rating=<value>]
- pagination [defaults to page 1 with 10 results, navigable by /movies?per_page=<value>&page=<value>]
- Both filters and the pagination feature can be conbined in a single query by sending all params with an "&" between them.
Front: successfully connects to backend api and shows list of movies
For current CORS configuration to work, the Rails server must be running at http://localhost:3001/ and the React server must be running at http://localhost:3000/
Front and integration based on this tutorial