Parallel Mesh Generator using NETGEN and C++/MPI.
To Run the Program.
First install the following preliminaries.
a) sudo apt-get install build-essential tcl8.5 tcl8.5-dev tk8.5 tk8.5-dev tix tix-dev libtogl1 libtogl-dev glutg3 glutg3-dev libxmu-dev liblapack-dev
Download the source files for NETGEN from and extract it as follows
a) tar xfs netgen-4.9.11.tar.gz
b) cd netgen-4.9.11
Replace nglib.cpp and nglib.h files with the ones contained in
Install it as follows.
a) ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.5/ --with-tk=/usr/lib/tk8.5/ --withtogl=/usr/lib/Togl1.7/
b) Make
c) Sudo make install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/Togl1.7:/opt/netgen/lib
download Parmetis version 3.2 from and install it using make and make install
unzip and locate the TreeBuilder.h main.cpp and MeshMig.h. Change the netgen path's inside these files.
Open parmetisbin.h and change the parmetis paths according to your installation.
compile the program using g++.
call the program as follows: “mpirun -n 16 a.exe cube.geo 3 100000 1 1 1” where the parameters are
a) a.exe – the compiled program
b) filename.geo – Name of the input geo file.
c) 3 – Method name 1,2 or 3
d) The following parameters are for method 2 and 3
e) 100000 – Min size of the starting coarse mesh.
f) 3 – Number of refinement steps. Increase to get higher # of elements.
g) 1 – Get geomview output. 0 for no. 1 for yes.
h) 1 – Get Elmer output. 0 for no. 1 for yes.