- TensorFlow image classification with TFLite and Vela-TFLite, converting C/C++ source files.
- If you haven't installed NuEdgeWise, please follow these steps to install Python virtual environment and choose
. - Skip if you have already done it.
- The
classfication.ipynb notebook
will help you prepare data, train the model, and finally convert it to a TFLite and C++ file.
- Users can utilize
to download easy datasets, prepare their custom datasets (or even download from other open-source platforms like Kaggle). classfication.ipynb
will prepare the user's chosen dataset folder, supporting a general structure where the folder names correspond to class labels.
offers some attributes for training configuration.- The strategy of this image classification training is transfer learning & fine-tunning
- The output is tflite model.
- Use
to test the tflite model.
- Utilize
to convert the TFLite model to Vela and generate C source/header files. - Also support Label source/header files converting.
- The
notebook will demonstrate how to use the script located indatasets\gen_rgb_cpp.py
to convert an image to a bytes source file.
- The ML_SampleCode repositories are private. Please contact Nuvoton to request access to these sample codes. Link
- M55M1BSP (public)