External SDK for DayZ, enough to make esp and bullet tp, includes offsets for 1.22. Could be made cleaner and some things done better but good enough.
const auto world = world_t::instance();
const auto local_player = world_t::local_player();
const auto [near_entities, near_size] = world->near_entity_table();
for (auto i = 0; i < near_size; i++)
const auto entity = near_entities->get(i);
if (!entity || entity == local_player) continue;
const auto type = entity->type();
if (!type) continue;
const auto name = type->config_name();
if (!name.get()) continue;
if (strcmp(name.get(), "dayzplayer") == 0)
tmp.emplace_back<cached_entity_t>({ entity_type::PLAYER, entity });
if (strcmp(name.get(), "dayzinfected") == 0)
tmp.emplace_back<cached_entity_t>({ entity_type::INFECTED, entity });