Connecting Unity game developers to Sui and Origin Byte's NFT ecosystem.
- For Rpc clients’ direct interaction with the Sui JSON-RPC
- Read API
- Event Read API
- Transaction Builder Api
- Event streaming support
- Helper methods to build and execute transactions
- Typed move calls
- Wallet Management
- Generate and Restore key pairs with Mnemonics (currently Ed25519 supported)
- SLIP-0010 : Universal private key derivation from master private key also supported
- Sign transactions
- Store key pair in PlayerPrefs
- Generate and Restore key pairs with Mnemonics (currently Ed25519 supported)
- Interact with Origin Byte Nft Protocol
- Helper Scripts and prefabs to load NFTs (even Capys!)
- Windows desktop and WebGL platforms tested
- Unity 2021.3.10f1 LTS or later supported
- Samples are using Sui 0.20.0 devnet
The Samples are in ./Assets/SuiUnitySDK/Samples Open a Scene from ./Assets/SuiUnitySDK/Samples/Scenes
Choose one of the following methods:
1. The package is available on the openupm registry. You can install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add com.originbyte.suiunitysdk
"com.originbyte.suiunitysdk": ""
4. Download the latest sui-unity-sdk.unitypackage
from the releases:
- Drag and drop the
to the Project window - As soon as the Import Windows pop up, just click the Import button
Keep in mind: Sui DevNet resets frequently, and the owned Coins, Nfts will be erased. Also, the package ids have to be updated with newly published versions as well.
All samples can be found in SuiUnitySDK/Samples
You can click on Create New Wallet or Import Wallet buttons to initialize the currently active Wallet.
PlayerPrefs is used as a keystore at the moment, and it saves the last active wallet and will be loaded from there on the next restart.
Now you are ready to execute transactions that require signature.
var mnemonics = SuiWallet.CreateNewWallet();
var activeAddress = SuiWallet.GetActiveAddress();
Enter any address and see the results as formatted JSON.
var ownedObjectsResult = await SuiApi.Client.GetObjectsOwnedByAddressAsync(address);
Ouput.text = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ownedObjectsResult.Result, Formatting.Indented);
This sample code calls a function in a published move package that has a counter
module with an increment
function. It modifies a shared object, incrementing the counter by 1.
See move logic here:
var signer = SuiWallet.GetActiveAddress();
var moveCallTx = new MoveCallTransaction()
Signer = signer,
PackageObjectId = "0x2554106d7db01830b6ecb0571c489de4a3999163",
Module = "counter",
Function = "increment",
TypeArguments = ArgumentBuilder.BuildTypeArguments(),
Arguments = ArgumentBuilder.BuildArguments( SharedCounterObjectId ),
Gas = (await SuiHelper.GetCoinObjectIdsAboveBalancesOwnedByAddressAsync(SuiApi.Client, signer, 1, 10000))[0],
GasBudget = 5000,
RequestType = SuiExecuteTransactionRequestType.WaitForEffectsCert
await SuiApi.Signer.SignAndExecuteMoveCallAsync(moveCallTx);
Our SDK contains the NftProtocolClient class that provide access to Sui using the Nft Protocol.
This sample demonstrates the minting of an Nft for a collection using Origin Byte Nft protocol with RPC calls. More info on the protocol can be found here: This sample uses a pre-minted collection of SUIMARINES and anyone can claim it.
- Publish or a similar, std_collection. More information about the nft protocol . It creates a launchpad (basically a fixed priced market in this example) for you as well.
- Call NftProtocolClient.EnableSalesAsync method to make the market live
- Mint Nfts by calling NftProtocolClient.MintNftAsync
- Set the LaunchpadId, packageObjectId, modulename to use
var signer = SuiWallet.GetActiveAddress();
var launchpadId = NFTLaunchpadIdInputField.text;
var packageObjectId = "0x67a8862cbe93ea36d9bc55eefc94500a00ed5bcd";
var moduleName = "suimarines";
var collectionType = $"{packageObjectId}::suimarines::SUIMARINES";
var launchpadResult = await SuiApi.Client.GetObjectAsync<FixedPriceMarket>(launchpadId);
var buyNftTxBuilder = new BuyNftCertificate()
Signer = signer,
Wallet = (await SuiHelper.GetCoinObjectIdsAboveBalancesOwnedByAddressAsync(SuiApi.Client, signer, 1))[0],
LaunchpadId = launchpadId,
PackageObjectId = packageObjectId,
CollectionType = collectionType,
ModuleName = moduleName
var buyCertResponse = await SuiApi.NftProtocolClient.BuyNftCertificateAsync(buyNftTxBuilder);
var certificateId = buyCertResponse.Result.EffectsCert.Effects.Effects.Created.First().Reference.ObjectId;
var buyCertificateRpcResult = await SuiApi.Client.GetObjectAsync<NftCertificate>(certificateId);
var nftId = buyCertificateRpcResult.Result.NftId;
var claimNftTxBuilder = new ClaimNftCertificate()
Signer = signer,
LaunchpadId = launchpadId,
PackageObjectId = packageObjectId,
CollectionType = collectionType,
ModuleName = moduleName,
Recipient = signer,
CertificateId = buyCertResponse.Result.EffectsCert.Effects.Effects.Created.First().Reference.ObjectId,
NftId = nftId,
NftType = "unique_nft::Unique"
var claimCertResult = await SuiApi.NftProtocolClient.CaimNftCertificateAsync(claimNftTxBuilder);
Check out the NftLoaders scene. Contains samples for using Nfts as UI Image sprite, main texture of material.
Change the Ids and Address to yours.
You can also import Capys! This uses the experimental Vector Graphics package to render the SVG images as PNGs. Check out the CapyNftLoaders scene to see it in action!
The srcipt can load the whole hierarchy of accessories for the Capy, or just the main Capy object.
Every dependency used by the SDK can be found in ./Assets/SuiUnitySDK/Plugins.
Nuget packages are in ./Assets/SuiUnitySDK/Plugins/NuGetPackages.
, our internal C#/.NET Sui library. It will be regularly updated as features are added to the core library. -
(included in recent Unity versions by default) -
- if you got compilation errors, you need to add this entry to your .Packages/manifest.json file's dependencies section:
"com.unity.vectorgraphics": "2.0.0-preview.20"
Dependencies used by the Samples can be found in ./Assets/SuiUnitySDK/Samples/Plugins
TextMesh Pro
- Mobile platform support (iOS, Android)
- WalletConnect
- Streaming RPC client, Event subscription
- Secp256k1 keypair support
- More samples
- Origin-Byte NFT ecosystem access from Unity
- Higher level APIs, easy-to-use Prefabs
- Rust & Typescript SDK parity