- Mexico
RickAndMortyAndroidApp Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Paging3 +BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl Rick And Morty Characteres - kotlin android mvvm retrofit navigation dark-mode hilt …
SalonDeBelleza Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule - kotlin android mvvm retrofit navigation dark-mode hilt basefragment baseviewmodel + JetpackCompose
StarWarsApp Public
Saga of Star wars MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl + Paggin 3
Kotlin UpdatedFeb 4, 2025 -
NarutoDb Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Paging3 +BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl - kotlin android mvvm retrofit navigation dark-mode hilt basefragment baseviewmodel …
Kotlin UpdatedSep 15, 2024 -
AndroidKotlinBaseMvvmClean Public template
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl + kotlinx.serialization
TheMoviedB Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Paging3 +BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl - kotlin android mvvm retrofit navigation dark-mode hilt basefragment baseviewmodel …
A simple app using jetpack compose
Agenda Public
MVVM + Kotlin +Room + Hilt + Coroutines + BaseViewModel + BaseFragment kotlin android mvvm navigation dark-mode hilt basefragment baseviewmodel
PokeDex Public
Forked from tyagci024/PokeDexRetrofit RxJava Databinding MVVM Navigation
Kotlin UpdatedFeb 2, 2024 -
Kotlin-Pokedex Public
Forked from mrcsxsiq/Kotlin-Pokedex🌀 A Pokedex app using ViewModel, ViewBinding, LiveData, Room and Navigation
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2024 -
AnilistApp Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl + kotlinx.serialization
Kotlin UpdatedJan 15, 2024 -
TheSimpsonsApp Public
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Paging3 +BaseViewModel + BaseFragment + Multimodule + kotlin-dsl Rick And Morty Characteres - kotlin android mvvm retrofit navigation dark-mode hilt …
Kotlin UpdatedJan 7, 2024 -