Freelance Full-stack Developer
- Cameroon
- https://osong-michael.github.io/Portfolio/
- @Osong17
School-App Public
This is a school app where students can sign-up and register for courses via the app.
Photot-App-2 Public
A photo-sharing app using Pusher for real-time uploads
Message-App Public
This is just a simple messaging app in Rails using action cable to create channels so you don't need to refresh your browser to see messages sent by other users
Sam-Osong-Members-only Public
In this App users who are signed in can gossip about other users, but users who are not signed in only see the gossip but not the person who wrote it, u need to be signed in to see who "Snitched on…
Micro-Reddit Public
This is a basic implementation of the Reddit application, this was just for me to practice Association between users, posts and comments
Future-App Public
This is a web app where you can create "dreams", which is just a list of things you will love to achieve in the future and it groups them into achieved or pending based on if you have achieved your…
IG-clone Public
This is a clone of the Instagram Web Application. It performs the simple functions of following other users, commenting on photos, uploading photos and liking them too.
TDD_Events_App Public
In this project, I actually follow the concept of test-driven development by writing the tests first then building the functionality later.
Twitter-Clone Public
A basic implementation of Twitter's functionalities like tweeting, and liking tweets
Crown-Clothing-Shop Public
E-Commerce web app built with React, Firebase and GraphQL
TypeScript UpdatedAug 2, 2022 -
JS-Tic-Tac-Toe Public
A tic tac toe web app(game) built with Vanilla JS.