An E-comemrce website that was build with me with the use of prommaming languages HMTL,CSS, JS and PHP using DreamWeaver and P2PMyAdmin database.
This project aims at developing and implementing methods of increasing the online customer’s awareness in e-commerce websites. In particular, after creating a questionnaire and handed it to the public, I have investigated that a large percent of the people does not read the Privacy policies or the terms and conditions, when visiting and registering at a website. Therefore, after analysing those results of the questionnaire and carrying out some research on the field, I was motivated to find a way in which I would encourage people to read carefully the privacy policies of the websites they are visiting.
My solution was the use of an image considering privacy policies of the personal information and additionally short, precise in bullet points privacy policies in a nicely styled boxes with checkbox functions. All these are present during the registration process.
The research method I used for achieving this aim was online questionnaires for data methods, and waterfall methodology for my system implementation.
The aim of this project is to develop and implement methods of increasing the online customer’s awareness regarding the privacy policies and terms and conditions, and to encourage them to read those, particularly on e-commerce websites.