Py-Dropper is a Python script that displays the name of the color beneath your cursor. This tool may be useful for people with vision impairments, or for designers and developers who want a faster way to get hex color values.
To set up Py-Dropper, follow these steps:
Create a Virtual Environment:
python3.10 -m venv myenv
Activate Virtual Environment
source myenv/bin/activate
Install Required Packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you should be able to run the program by running the command
If you want to run the script as an App on mac, you can use
Open automator app, select Application > Utilities > Run Shell Script. In the script body, include the following
source /<path-to-your-repo>/pydropper/myenv/bin/activate
python3 /<path-to-your-repo>/pydropper/
Where <path-to-your-repo> is the location that you installed the pydropper files.
After saving, you should be able to run the script as an app.