Course material for Advanced Computer Architectures course.
git clone
Follow the lessons and solve the exercises by keeping your solutions local.
If you want to save your solutions remotely, fork the main repository:
Clone the repository forked in your GitHub profile and solve the exercises. When you’re ready to submit your changes, stage and commit your changes as the following:
git add .
git commit -m "<comment to the changes>"
git push
In this way, your exercise implementations are saved in your personal GitHub profile.
In the exercise directory, create the build folder, launch the cmake command and compile the sources:
cd <lesson-folder>/<exercise-name>
# Only the first time
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Every time you have to recompile
Add the following line to the main function in the source file:
std::cout << TM_host.duration() << ";" << TM_device.duration() << ";" << TM_host.duration() / TM_device.duration() << std::endl;
Then launch the benchmarking script in the build folder:
../../../utils/ <executable_name>
If you are using a Jetson board, make sure to set the power profile to max, typing:
sudo nvpmodel -m<n> # (The number may change, depending on the device, for TX2 <n>=0)
sudo jetson_clocks
To have a complete overview of the Jetson hardware status, type:
sudo jtop
If it isn't already installed, type:
sudo -H pip3 install -U jetson-stats
sudo systemctl restart jetson_stats.service