OHDSI WebAPI contains all OHDSI RESTful services that can be called from OHDSI applications.
- Provides a centralized API for working with 1 or more databases converted to the Common Data Model (CDM) v5.
- Searching the OMOP standardized vocabularies for medical concepts and constructing concept sets.
- Defining cohort definitions for use in identifying patient populations.
- Characterizing cohorts
- Computing incidence rates
- Retrieve patient profiles
- Design population level estimation and patient level prediction studies
OHDSI WebAPI is a Java 8 web application that utilizes a database (PostgreSQL, SQL Server or Oracle) for storage.
Documentation can be found a the Web API Installation Guide which covers the system requirements and installation instructions.
- Developer questions/comments/feedback: OHDSI forum
- We use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs/issues/enhancements.
- WebAPI follows Semantic versioning;
- Only Non-SNAPSHOT dependencies should be presented in POM.xml on release branches/tags.
OHDSI WebAPI is licensed under Apache License 2.0