This project enhances compatibility between Angular Material elements and the Ngrx Forms library.
npm i ngrx-forms-material
- Import NgrxFormsMaterialModule in your app
- Put "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true in your tsconfig.json for moment.js import
- Refer to the following section for features
- Refer to the demo app in the projects folder for implementation details.
The project aims to provide the following improvements:
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Minimum and maximum date management with min and max inputs
- ISO8601 date conversion with NgrxDateToISO8601 for use with ngrxValueConverter directive
- ISO8601 UTC date conversion with NgrxDateToISO8601UTC for use with ngrxValueConverter directive
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- ISO8601 datetime with timezone conversion with NgrxDateTimeZoneToISO8601 for use with ngrxValueConverter directive
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Support for multiple selectors
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Management of minimum characters for autocomplete activation with autocompleteMinChars input
- autocompleteValue validator for use with updateGroup to validate the field
- requiredAutocompleteValue validator for use with updateGroup to validate required fields
- Autocomplete field conversion with NgrxAutocompleteConverter for use with ngrxValueConverter directive
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
mat-error :
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
- Compatibility for elements with selector:
Anyway, it gives to you some usefull store tools :
- createNgrxFormAdapter : Adapter for Ngrx Forms with form ID and initial data
- getInitialFormState : Retrieve initial form state
- createInitialStateFactory : Create the initial form state
- createSelectorsFactory : Create selectors to retrieve form information such as selectFormGroup, selectFormControls, selectFormGroupData, selectLastFocusedAutocompleteField, and selectLastFocusedAutocompleteData
Apache License 2.0