This is a basic Angular starter project to quickly create Angular projects.
- Webpack configuration
- Auto Reload
- Sass support
- Global styles + component styles
- Translation (i18n)
- Preconfigured components
- routing
- lazy loading
- authentication
- tslint configuration
- test environment
- production server
Open a terminal in the project folder and run the following commands.
Install all required node dependencies:
npm install
Start the developer mode:
npm start
Open your webbrowser at localhost:3000 to see the app running. You can edit the source files and the app will be automatically updated.
Build the app for production:
npm run build
Open your webbrowser at localhost:9000 to see the productive app running. You can also find the build files in the dist
If you run the app in the browser you'll be redirected to the login page. You can enter any user name and password here.