Highly customizable, easy-to-use, and minimal terminal styled website template, powered by Next.js.
Building a simple website with LiveTerm only takes minutes, and you only need to work with one file: config.json
. After you cloned this repository, simply run yarn install && yarn dev
and start editing config.json
to build your website!
LiveTerm can be used to build a variety of websites:
- Personal website
- Project page
- or maybe just a cool browser music player...be creative!
LiveTerm with different themes
LiveTerm requires the yarn
package manager. You can install yarn
Simply run the following command in your terminal:
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/PROxZIMA/proxzima.github.io/main/install/install.sh)"
This will install LiveTerm to the current directory. You can start building your website with:
$ cd LiveTerm && yarn dev
Start editing config.json
and try saving and see the updated changes!
Alternatively, you can clone this repository to a location of your choosing
$ git clone https://github.com/PROxZIMA/proxzima.github.io.git LiveTerm && cd LiveTerm
Then install dependencies and start developing there:
$ yarn install && yarn dev
90% of LiveTerm's configurations are done through the config.json
"readmeUrl": // create a Github README and link it here!
"title": // title of the website
"name": // your name, included in 'about' command
"ascii": // ascii art to display
"social": {
"github": // your handle
"linkedin": // your handle
"email": // your email
"ps1_hostname": "liveterm" // hostname in prompt
"ps1_username": "visitor", // username in prompt
"resume_url": "../resume.pdf", // path to your resume
"colors": {
"light": {
"dark": {
... // you can use existing templates in themes.json or use your own!
Feel free to change it as you see fit!
You can find several pre-configured themes in themes.json
, and you can replace the colors in config.json
with the theme color you like! The themes are based on the themes on this website.
For a better preview of the themes, checkout the images in the demo
LiveTerm with different themes
Favicons are located in public/
, along with the other files you may want to upload to your website. I used this website to generate favicons.
You may also want to change the output of the banner
command. To do that, simply paste your generated banner in src/utils/bin/commands.ts
. I used this website to generate my banner.
If you want to further customize your page, feel free to change the source code to your liking!
- Create repository.
- Link it to your github account.
- Publish your master branch.
$ npm run deploy
You can add on to the deploy command to create the CNAME file for you. GitHub detects this file and automatically updates the custom domain setting. Edit the package.json deploy script and replace example.com with your custom domain. (Thank you to @jabacchetta)
rm -rf node_modules/.cache
&& rm -rf .next
&& rimraf out
&& next build
&& next export
&& touch out/.nojekyll
&& touch out/CNAME
&& echo "example.com" >> out/CNAME
&& git add out/
&& git commit -m "π Deploy Webpage to gh-pages"
&& git push origin `git subtree split --prefix out master`:gh-pages --force
Based on Cveinnt's awesome LiveTerm.