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xavierdechamps committed Sep 9, 2019
1 parent fc38b37 commit f8a2b2c
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Showing 8 changed files with 693 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_IVLINE.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function [xsonic,xvnull,u] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_IVLINE ( geom , params , y )

% Origin of the coordinate system relative to the nozzle throat [m]
eps = * sqrt((params.gamma+1)*(* * 0.5 / ( ;

% Sonic speed a*
astar = sqrt(2*params.gamma*params.R*params.T/(params.gamma+1)) ;

% Coefficient of the linear axial perturbation velocity [1/m]
alpha = sqrt((*geom.rhou*(params.gamma+1)));

% Equation for the sonic line x = coeff_sonic * y^2, where coeff_sonic is [1/m]
coeff = -(params.gamma+1)*alpha*0.5/(;
xsonic=coeff*y.^2 - eps;

% Equation for the v=0 line: x=coeff_vnull * y^2, where coeff_vnull is [1/m]
coeff_vnull = -(params.gamma+1)*alpha*0.5/(;
xvnull=coeff_vnull*y.^2 - eps;

% Perturbation velocity field on the v=0 line
u = astar * (1 + alpha * (xvnull+eps) + (params.gamma+1)*(alpha^2)*(y.^2)*0.5/( );


function a = get_speed_sound(params,V)
% Speed of sound a² = a0² - 0.5*(gamma-1)*V²
% = gamma*R*T - 0.5*(gamma-1)*V²
a = sqrt ( params.gamma * params.R * params.T - ...
0.5 * ( params.gamma - 1.) * V.^2 ) ;
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_get_geometry.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
function [abc,y,tangent] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_get_geometry(x,step,geom)
% Get the geometry of a nozzle, see page 128, Gas Dynamics V2

radtu = geom.rhou ; %0.05 ; % Radius of curvature of upstream circular arc
radtd = geom.rhod ; %0.0125 ; % Radius of curvature of downstream circular arc
yt = ; %0.025 ; % Radius of nozzle throat
thetaa= geom.ta ; %35 ; % Attachment angle between downstream arc and 2nd order poly
thetae= geom.te ; %10 ; % Nozzle exit lip angle
xe = geom.xe ; %0.25 ; % Nozzle length

% Coordinates of attachment point between downstream arc and 2nd order poly
xa = radtd * sind ( thetaa ) ;
ya = yt + ( 1 - cosd ( thetaa ) ) * radtd ;

% 2nd order poly y = a + bx + cx^2
% tangent = b + 2cx
matA = [ 1 , xa , xa^2 ;
0 , 1 , 2*xa ;
0 , 1 , 2*xe ] ;
RHS = [ ya ;
tand(thetaa) ;
tand(thetae) ] ;
abc = matA\RHS ;

y = 0.;
tangent = 0.;
if (step==2) % get the geometry after the downstream circular arc
assert ( x >= xa );
% assert ( x <= xe );
y = abc(1) + abc(2) * x + abc(3) * x.^2 ;
tangent = abc(2) + 2*abc(3) * x ;
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_get_thermo.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [Mach,pressure,density,temperature,sound] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_get_thermo(u,v,params)
% Get the thermodynamic data from the velocity components
CP = params.gamma * params.R / ( params.gamma - 1 );
Q = sqrt( u.^2 + v.^2 ) ;
temperature = params.T - 0.5 * Q.^2 / CP ;
sound = sqrt ( params.gamma * params.R * temperature );
Mach = Q ./ sound ;
pressure = params.P .* ( temperature / params.T ).^(params.gamma/(params.gamma-1)) ;
density = pressure ./ ( params.R * temperature ) ;
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_internal_point.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
function [xo,yo,uo,vo] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_internal_point ( xp,yp,up,vp,...
params )
% xp,yp,up,vp are conditions at left -running characteristic C+
% xm,ym,um,vm are conditions at right-running characteristic C-
x_orig = [ xp , xm ] ; y_orig = [ yp , ym ] ;
u_orig = [ up , um ] ; v_orig = [ vp , vm ] ;

step_current = 0;
step_max = 50;
eps_pos = 1.e-8;
eps_vel = 1.e-5;

% Predictor step
[xo,yo,uo,vo] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_solve_internal_point ( xp,yp,up,vp,...
params ) ;
while 1

% Corrector step
xcp = xp; ycp = 0.5*(yp+yo) ; ucp = 0.5*(up+uo) ; vcp = 0.5*(vp+vo) ;
xcm = xm; ycm = 0.5*(ym+yo) ; ucm = 0.5*(um+uo) ; vcm = 0.5*(vm+vo) ;
[xn,yn,un,vn] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_solve_internal_point ( xcp,ycp,ucp,vcp,...
params ) ;
error_pos = max( [ xo-xn , yo-yn ] );
error_vel = max( [ uo-un , vo-vn ] );
xo = xn ;
yo = yn ;
uo = un ;
vo = vn ;
if (abs(error_pos)<eps_pos && abs(error_vel)<eps_vel)
if (step_current>step_max)
error('The maximum of iterations for the predictor-corrector algorithm has been reached. Stopping the execution...')


function [xn,yn,un,vn] = MOC_2D_steady_irrotational_solve_internal_point ( xp,yp,up,vp,...
params )

xo = [xp xm] ;
yo = [yp ym] ;
uo = [up um] ;
vo = [vp vm] ;

V = sqrt ( uo.^2 + vo.^2 ) ;
a = get_speed_sound( params, V ) ;
theta = atand (vo./uo) ;
alpha = asind ( a./V ) ;
lambda(:,1) = tand ( theta(1) + alpha(1) ); % lambda+
lambda(:,2) = tand ( theta(2) - alpha(2) ); % lambda-
Q = uo.^2 - a.^2 ;
R = 2*uo.*vo - Q.*lambda ;
S = a.^2 .* vo ./ yo ;

% Solve the system matrix to get the position of the intersection of the C+ and C- characteristics
matA = [ -lambda(1) 1 ; -lambda(2) 1 ] ;
vecB = [ y_orig(1)-lambda(1)*x_orig(1) ; y_orig(2)-lambda(2)*x_orig(2) ] ;
new_pos = matA\vecB ;
xn = new_pos(1);
yn = new_pos(2);

T = S(:).*(xn-x_orig(:)) + Q(:).*u_orig(:) + R(:).*v_orig(:) ;
matA = [ Q(1) , R(1) ; Q(2) , R(2) ] ;
new_vel = matA\T ;
un = new_vel(1) ;
vn = new_vel(2) ;


function a = get_speed_sound(params,V)
% Speed of sound a² = a0² - 0.5*(gamma-1)*V²
% = gamma*R*T - 0.5*(gamma-1)*V²
a = sqrt ( params.gamma * params.R * params.T - ...
0.5 * ( params.gamma - 1.) * V.^2 ) ;

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