This project is a fork of ldap_shell from Impacket. It provides an interactive shell for Active Directory enumeration and manipulation via LDAP/LDAPS protocols, making it useful for both system administrators and security professionals.
These tools are only compatible with Python 3.5+. Clone the repository from GitHub, install the dependencies and you should be good to go. Installation with pip:
git clone
cd ldap_shell
python3 -m pip install .
Installation with uv:
uv venv
uv pip install .
# Basic authentication with password
ldap_shell domain.local/user:password
# Specify domain controller IP address
ldap_shell domain.local/user:password -dc-ip
# Authentication using NTLM hashes
ldap_shell domain.local/user -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404e1
# Kerberos authentication using TGT
export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/ticket.ccache
ldap_shell -k -no-pass domain.local/user
Get Info
dump [output_dir] - Dumps the domain
get_group_users group - Get all users in a group
get_laps_gmsa [target] - Retrieves LAPS and GMSA passwords associated with a given account (sAMAccountName) or for all. Supported LAPS 2.0
get_maq [user] - Get Machine Account Quota and allowed users
get_user_groups user - Retrieves all groups recursively this user is a member of
search ldap_filter [attributes] - Search AD objects
Abuse ACL
add_user_to_group user group - Add a user to a group
change_password user [password] - Attempt to change a given user's password. Requires LDAPS.
clear_rbcd target [grantee] - Clear RBCD permissions for a target computer
dacl_modify target grantee action mask - Modify DACL entries for target object
del_dcsync target - Remove DCSync rights from user/computer by deleting ACEs in domain DACL
del_user_from_group user group - Delete a user from a group
get_ntlm target - Get NTLM hash using Shadow Credentials attack (requires write access to msDS-KeyCredentialLink)
set_dcsync target - If you have write access to the domain object, assign the DS-Replication right to the selected user
set_dontreqpreauth target flag - Targeted AsRepRoast attack. Set or unset DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH flag for a target user.
set_genericall target [grantee] - Set GenericAll permissions for a target object
set_owner target [grantee] - Set new owner for target object
set_rbcd target grantee - Configure RBCD permissions for a target computer
set_spn target action [spn] - List, add or delete SPN for a target object
add_computer computer_name [password] [target_dn] - Add a new computer account to the domain
add_group group_name [target_dn] - Add new group to Active Directory
add_user username [password] [target_dn] - Add a new user account to the domain
del_computer computer_name - Delete a computer account from the domain
del_group group_name - Delete group from Active Directory
del_user username - Delete a user account from the domain
disable_account username - Disable a user account in the domain
enable_account username - Enable a user account in the domain
start_tls - Start TLS connection with LDAP server
switch_user username [password] - Switch current user to another
help [command] - Show help
exit - exit from shell
Apache License 2.0