Analysis and input files to reproduce simulations of manuscript "Melting curves of ice polymorphs in the vicinity of the liquid-liquid critical point" by Piaggi, Gartner, Car, and Debenedetti.
: Input and output files of biased coexistence simulations used to compute melting points for ices III, IV, V, and XIIIClausiusClapeyron
: Scripts to integrate the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, and input and output files of simulations for ices III, IV, V, VI, and XIII.DataLLT
: Data of liquid-liquid transition in our modelDeepPotentialModel
: DeePMD model used in our simulationsExperimentalResultsDigitized
: Digitezed experimental data on the melting curves of polymorphs for light and heavy waterLandauFreeEnergies
: Landau model used to construct the schematic free energy surfaces shown in Figure 1 of the paperStandardCoexistence
: Standard coexistence simulations for ices IV and V.
More information is provided in the files within each folder.
- Description: Results of melting curves from biased coexistence simulations for all ice polymorphs./BiasedCoexistence/IceXIII/3-production/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Results of biased coexistence simulations for ice XIII./BiasedCoexistence/IceIV/3-production/256molecules/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Results of biased coexistence simulations for ice IV 256 molecules./BiasedCoexistence/IceIV/3-production/2048molecules/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Results of biased coexistence simulations for ice IV 2048 molecules./BiasedCoexistence/IceV/3-production/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Results of biased coexistence simulations for ice V./BiasedCoexistence/IceIII/3-production/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Results of biased coexistence simulations for ice III./ClausiusClapeyron/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Properties of liquid water and ices along melting curves using data from the integration of the Clausius-Clapeyron eqn./ClausiusClapeyron/TIP4PIce/AnalysisTIP4PIce.ipynb
- Description: Melting curve of ice V within the TIP4P/Ice model from integration of the Clausius-Clapeyron eqn./LandauFreeEnergies/Analysis.ipynb
- Description: Schematic of free energy curves from Landau's theory
Simulations were performed using the following codes:
- LAMMPS (15 Apr 2020)
- DeePMD-kit v1.0.2-1-g6aee326-dirty - source brach: r1.0 - source commit: 6aee326
- PLUMED 2.8.0-dev (git: 54560ef-dirty)
Jupyter notebooks require the following packages:
- Python 3.10.4 (main, Mar 31 2022, 08:41:55) [GCC 7.5.0]
- Matplotlib 3.5.3
- Numpy 1.22.4
- Scipy 1.7.3
Please e-mail me if you have trouble reproducing the results.