B21621 - Polars Cookbook - Available as an ebook and a physical copy on Amazon
- Introducing Key Features in Polars
- The Polars DataFrame
- The Polars Series
- The Polars LazyFrame
- Selecting columns and filtering data
- Creating, modifying, and deleting columns
- Understanding method chaining
- Processing datasets larger than RAM
- Reading and writing CSV files
- Reading and writing parquet files
- Reading and writing delta tables
- Reading and writing JSON files
- Reading and writing excel files
- Reading and writing other data file formats
- Reading and writing multiple files
- Working with databases
- Inspecting the DataFrame
- Casting data types
- Handling duplicate values
- Masking sensitive data
- Visualizing data using Plotly
- Detecting and handling outliers
- Exploring basic aggregations
- Using group by aggregations
- Aggregating values across multiple columns
- Computing with window functions
- Applying UDFs
- Using SQL for data transformations
- Identifying missing data
- Deleting rows and columns containing missing data
- Filling missing data
- Filtering strings
- Converting strings into a Date/Datetime/Time
- Extracting substrings
- Cleaning strings
- Splitting strings into lists and structs
- Concatenating and combining strings
- Creating lists
- Aggregating elements in lists
- Accessing and selecting elements in lists
- Applying logic to each element in lists
- Working with structs and JSON data
- Turning columns into rows
- Turning rows into columns
- Joining DataFrames
- Concatenating DataFrames
- Other reshaping techniques
- Working with date and time
- Applying rolling windows calculations
- Resampling techniques
- Time series forecasting with the functime library
- Converting to and from a pandas DataFrame
- Converting to and from NumPy arrays
- Interoperating with PyArrow
- Integration with DuckDB
- Amazon S3
- Azure Blog Storage
- Google Cloud Storage
- BigQuery
- Snowflake
- Debugging chained operations
- Inspecting and optimizing the query plan
- Testing data quality with cuallee
- Running unit tests with Pytest
- Version 1.6.0
- Use Altair in DataFrame.plot (#17995).