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Standalone application for testing/developing DUNE ND reconstruction


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Standalone Pandora application for developing and running DUNE ND reconstruction.

Building Pandora with LArRecoND

The scripts directory contains example build and environment setup files. It is recommended to first copy this directory, or the files it contains, to a separate working area (outside of LArRecoND) before building Pandora.

The script contains a recipe for building LArRecoND with all of the required Pandora packages, based on the instructions from PandoraPFA/Documentation, using the versions defined in This just requires the ROOT software to be installed on the system or available using an appropriate CVMFS repository; this is used by Pandora's event display and monitoring tools. The build script also sets up the Eigen header library for LArContent.

Before building the software, the Pandora package versions need to be defined by sourcing the script, which also accepts an optional argument to set the $MY_TEST_AREA environment variable, which specifies the working directory where all of the packages will be placed (which defaults to the current directory if it is not given):

source MyTestAreaDirPath

Alma9 environment at FNAL

The script can be used to setup the cmake, gcc and ROOT environment at FNAL. This also defines the Pandora package versions using the script, with an optional argument to set the $MY_TEST_AREA environment variable (which defaults to the current directory if left out). Then the script can be used to build Pandora along with LArRecoND. Note that building with LibTorch and/or edep-sim (Geant4 with CLHEP) is not currently possible within this environment, since the required software versions for these extra packages are not yet available or compatible.

source MyTestAreaDirPath

SL7 environment in FNAL container

The script sets up the SL7 environment using an apptainer container on the FNAL computers:

source MyTestAreaDirPath

If using the build machines at FNAL, the apptainer command in needs to be replaced by /cvmfs/, and the /pnfs/dune directory needs to be removed for the -B option since it is not accessible on those machines.

Note that you cannot mix the Alma9 and SL7 environments, i.e. sourcing followed by will give compiler and other environment errors. It is best to always start a fresh interactive terminal session for whatever build environment you need to use.

The SL7 environment can also be used to build LArRecoND with LibTorch (used for Deep Learning Vertexing) and/or edep-sim enabled, as described below.

To use an FNAL-related SL7 CVMFS container for building the code on your laptop or work/home unix PC, do (along with any other extra apptainer settings you need, such as adding more comma-separated -B directory paths):

apptainer shell -B /cvmfs/ /cvmfs/\:latest/
source MyTestAreaDirPath

Building with LibTorch for using Deep Learning Vertexing

The script contains the recipe for building LArRecoND with LibTorch v1.6.0 that is needed for using the Deep Learning Vertexing. This also requires building LArContent (which contains the vertexing algorithm) with LibTorch turned on. This recipe uses the LibTorch library that is available on CVMFS using a container with the SL7 environment on Fermilab computers (replace the first script appropriately for your own laptop/PC container setup):

source MyTestAreaDirPath

Building with edep-sim (and LibTorch)

The script contains the recipe for building LArRecoND with edep-sim enabled as well as LibTorch for the Deep Learning Vertexing. This requires building edep-sim with Geant4 (and CLHEP). The build script uses compatible libraries from CVMFS using a container with the SL7 environment on Fermilab computers (replace the first script appropriately for your own laptop/PC container setup):

source MyTestAreaDirPath


Various neutrino algorithms need to use MicroBooNE/SBND and DUNE training files from the LArMachineLearningData package. These need to be downloaded from Google Drive using the script:

cd $MY_TEST_AREA/LArMachineLearningData
source sbnd
source dune
source dunend

This should only be done once for each new data set, since repeated attempts to download them will eventually fail, owing to automatic download bandwidth restrictions imposed by Google Drive. If download problems do occur, then you will need to wait up to 1 day (12 to 24 hours) before trying again.

Running LArRecoND

For each new terminal/interactive session, make sure the environment is setup by first running either the, or scripts, where the optional MyTestAreaDirPath parameter sets the $MY_TEST_AREA environment variable (which defaults to the current working directory if this is not provided):

source MyTestAreaDirPath


source MyTestAreaDirPath


source MyTestAreaDirPath

The LArRecoND software is run by using the PandoraInterface executable, which is created from the PandoraInterface.cxx main program that is steered with xml files from the settings directory. This application uses the neutrino reconstruction methods defined in the LArContent package, as well as the 3D algorithms listed in along with the class.

If everything has been built correctly, running

./bin/PandoraInterface -h

will list all available (required and optional) run options.

If you get runtime warnings about missing parameter files, then make sure they are downloaded in the LArMachineLearningData directory and their relative locations are specified by the $FW_SEARCH_PATH environment variable, which is set by the script.

Geometry files

The ND-LAr geometry needs to be provided as a ROOT file containing the TGeoManager object, specified by the -g run parameter. These can be created from GDML files using ROOT, where the first two calls set the length units to cm:

root -l

The GDML files for the 2x2 ArgonCube-based prototype geometry are available in the 2x2_sim/geometry repository, and the current recommended file to use is Merged2x2MINERvA_v4_withRock.gdml.

2x2 data

The following example can be used to run LArRecoND 3D-clustering and 2D-projection neutrino reconstruction algorithms (without deep learning vertexing) for the first 10 events from a 2x2 data file:

./bin/PandoraInterface -i settings/PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD.xml \
-r AllHitsNu -e Input2x2Data.root -g Geometry2x2.root -n 10 -N

where the mandatory settings -i, -r, -e and -g specify the xml steering run file, reconstruction hit method, the input data ROOT file containing the hits and the geometry ROOT file, respectively. The -n option sets the number of events (in this case 10) while -N prints out event information.

The input hit data ROOT file uses the default SpacePoint format, which needs to be previously converted from the original HDF5 format by the ndlarflow/ script:

python ndlarflow/ inputHDF5File 1 outputDir

where the first argument is the input HDF5 file, the second integer specifies data (1) and the final argument is the location of the output directory which will store the equivalent ROOT file.

To use deep learning vertexing (DLVtx), make sure LArRecoND and LArContent is first built with LibTorch enabled, then use the PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD_DLVtx.xml settings file. You can tell if the DL vertexing is running if you see messages such as Loaded the TorchScript model when the first event is getting processed.

2x2 simulation

The following example can be used to run LArRecoND 3D-clustering and 2D-projection neutrino reconstruction algorithms (without deep learning vertexing) for the first 10 events from a 2x2 Monte Carlo (MC) file:

./bin/PandoraInterface -i settings/PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD.xml \
-r AllHitsNu -e Input2x2MC.root -g Geometry2x2.root -f SPMC -n 10 -N

where the mandatory settings -i, -r, -e and -g specify the xml steering run file, reconstruction hit method, the input MC ROOT file containing the hits and the geometry ROOT file, respectively. The -f SPMC option sets the input to use the SpacePoint MC format, which stores all of the MC truth information; this is not done by the default -f SP format option (the ROOT data structures are different). The -n option sets the number of events (in this case 10) while -N prints out event information.

The input MC ROOT file needs to be previously converted from the original HDF5 format by the ndlarflow/ script:

python ndlarflow/ inputHDF5File 0 outputDir

where the first argument is the input HDF5 file, the second integer specifies MC (0) and the final argument is the location of the output directory which will store the equivalent ROOT file.

To use deep learning vertexing (DLVtx), make sure LArRecoND and LArContent is first built with LibTorch enabled, then use the PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD_DLVtx.xml settings file.


The following example can be used to run LArRecoND 3D-clustering and 2D-projection neutrino reconstruction algorithms (without deep learning vertexing) for the first 10 events from an edep-sim MC file:

./bin/PandoraInterface -i settings/PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD.xml \
-r AllHitsNu -e EDepSimMC.root -g EDepSimMC.root -f EDepSim -n 10 -N

where the mandatory settings -i, -r, -e and -g specify the xml steering run file, reconstruction hit method, the input ROOT file containing the hits and the geometry ROOT file, respectively. The -f EDepSim option sets the input to use the edep-sim format, which also stores all of the available MC truth information. The -n option sets the number of events (in this case 10) while -N prints out event information. Usually, the TGeoManager geometry information is stored in the event input ROOT file, so the same filename should be used for both the -e and -g options if this is indeed the case.

To use deep learning vertexing (DLVtx), make sure LArRecoND and LArContent is first built with LibTorch enabled, then use the PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD_DLVtx.xml settings file.

Event displays

Pandora uses ROOT's TEve module for event displays in monitoring algorithms such as LArVisualMonitoring and LArHierarchyMonitoring. Calling the LArVisualMonitoring and/or LArHierarchyMonitoring algorithms at specific places in the xml run file, for example PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD.xml, will run the event display at those moments in the reconstruction algorithm flow. To disable the event display (e.g. to run in batch jobs or if there are display problems with ROOT), comment out or remove the visual monitoring calls in the xml run file, or set the global IsMonitoringEnabled variable to false (which also disables the ROOT output from the hierarchy validation tools):


Hierarchy Tools validation and analysis output

The class uses Hierarchy Tools to create an output ROOT file that contains summary information about the reconstructed Particle Flow Objects (PFOs) and their best-matched MC particles. The hierarchy structure and logic is implemented by LArContent's LArHierarchyHelper class. The hierarchy analysis algorithm is enabled using the following example xml settings:

   <algorithm type = "LArHierarchyAnalysis">

This creates the TTree LArRecoND in the output ROOT file LArRecoND.root using the PFOs stored in Pandora's RecreatedPfos list along with the list of hits named CaloHitList2D (currently the hierarchy tools can only use the 2D views). Here, the hierarchy building and matching requires minimum quality selection criteria and removes neutrons. There are also several folding options available, which have the following (mutually exclusive) initialization order: FoldToPrimaries folds the hierarchy down to the primary particles (who's direct parent is the neutrino), else the FoldToLeadingShowers folds the hierarchy to the main cluster showers, otherwise the recommended option FoldDynamic attempts to keep both primary and secondary interactions in the hierarchy, only folding elastic-type scatters to the relevant parent or child particles. If none of these options are set, then FoldDynamic is enabled by default with all the other options turned off. If all of these options are set to false, then no folding is done and the full hierarchy tree is kept.

The hierarchy analysis algorithm sets the event number by incrementing the number of times the Run() function is called (0 to N-1 for N events). If the -e input file contains event numbers that are not contiguous, then the following xml parameter settings (which must be added to the previous ones) need to be included to set the event numbers correctly, which include settings for storing the run numbers and trigger timing, as well as associating the unique and local MC particle IDs for CAF truth matching:

    <algorithm type = "LArHierarchyAnalysis">

Here, EventFileName needs to match the input file name specified by the -e run parameter, EventTreeName defines what TTree contains the event numbers (which defaults to events) and EventLeafName defines the name of the event number variable (which defaults to event). This workaround is needed since it is currently not possible to pass event (and run) information between Pandora algorithms. By default, no events are skipped, but if the -s run option is used, then EventsToSkip must be equal to this integer to ensure that the correct event numbers are found. The additional parameters RunLeafName and SubRunLeafName define the run and sub-run numbers, UnixTimeLeafName defines the trigger unix time variable name (units in seconds), while StartTimeLeafName and EndTimeLeafName define the decimal start and end time variables (units in ticks = 0.1 microseconds), respectively. If these are not provided, then they will all be set to zero. Finally, MCIdLeafName and MCLocalIdLeafName define the variable names used for the unique and local MC truth matching IDs. The unique IDs are used internally by Pandora's Hierarchy Tools while the local ones are used by the CAF truth matching. A map is used to retrieve the local ID values given the unique ID numbers. If these MC ID variable names are not provided, then only the unique MC IDs are used (the local IDs are set equal to them), meaning that the CAF truth matching will be incomplete.

The xml settings files PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD.xml and PandoraSettings_LArRecoND_ThreeD_DLVtx.xml contain (commented out) examples of using LArContent's LArHierarchyValidation algorithm, which can be used to create event and particle-level ROOT output files that contain much more detail of the hierarchy than the above LArRecoND analysis algorithm, such as complete lists of all possible reco-MC matches. The xml files also contain (commented out) examples of using the MicroBooNE validation algorithm LArNeutrinoEventValidation, which only works for events containing single neutrino interactions (with cosmic rays).

Fermigrid jobs

The template python script can be used to submit LArRecoND jobs (in SL7 containers) on the Fermigrid batch system.

It has example settings for submitting MiniRun4 or edep-sim reconstruction jobs, and it should be relatively straightforward to extend or modify it to deal with other event samples. It uses objects to define the setup, geometry and reconstruction parameters, which change depending on the number and format of the sample input files. The required Pandora packages and xml steering files are stored in a tarball by the script, which is then used by each reconstruction job, along with a copy of the input data file. The job directories use the /pnfs/dune/scratch/users/$USER area, which is visible to all of the batch nodes. Each job copies the tarball and input file to its own temporary directory area, extracts the tarball, then runs the LArRecoND executable and copies the output files to the appropriate /pnfs/dune/scratch/users/$USER area. It is recommended that the completed job output files are first copied from the scratch area to a directory in the /exp/dune/data/users/$USER data area before they are used for analysis.

As an example, the following will submit reconstruction jobs for a sample of MiniRun4 input files:

python scripts/ --option MiniRun4

The job run file created by the python script depends on the sample option and the number of input files. Separate job run files are also made for each sample, which can be sourced individually to split up the job submission process.

License and Copyright

LArRecoND is distributed under the GPLv3 License


Copyright (C), LArRecoND Authors

LArRecoND is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see