This is a fork of ywvim.
Table "wubi" and "pinyin" are included.
Use vimplug
Plug 'lotabout/ywvim'
Put these in your .vimrc
let g:ywvim_ims=[
\['wb', '五笔', 'wubi.ywvim'],
\['py', '拼音', 'pinyin.ywvim'],
let g:ywvim_py = { 'helpim':'wb', 'gb':0 }
let g:ywvim_zhpunc = 1
let g:ywvim_listmax = 10
let g:ywvim_esc_autoff = 0
let g:ywvim_autoinput = 0
let g:ywvim_circlecandidates = 1
let g:ywvim_helpim_on = 1
let g:ywvim_matchexact = 0
let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1
let g:ywvim_gb = 0
let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b'
let g:ywvim_conv = ''
let g:ywvim_lockb = 1
let g:ywvim_theme = 'dark'