Table of Contents
This is a sample project started for a simple task in a job interview process.
It tries to demo a very simple POC sales application.
Let's take it for a spin :-)
- Node.js
Download and install latest LTS version of Node.js runtime for you OS from here.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Start development web server
npm start
Application can be accessed on http://localhost:4200.
We can create orders here with the button above.
We can view people that already have registered an order.
- Upgrade Angular to latest version.
- Solve CSS problem of table which shrinks columns.
- Display backend errors as a nice and clear dialog.
- Add pagination, sorting, and filtering to the tables.
- Add thousand-separator for money columns.
- Add "No." columns for tables.
Amir A. Rezaei P. - @amir_parcheko - [email protected]
Project Link: