This is a version of Roblox from 2016 with its source code fixed. The base used is from, from
In case building dont work/Theres any error with images (.png, .svg, etc.), make an Issue
and i will revert [ImgBot] Optimize images
You will need the following to compile, for Windows:
- Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio 2015 build tools (v140_xp)
- Run
. Edit the paths inbuild_boost.bat
to correspond to where you are keeping this repository, and runbuild_boost.bat
- Congratulations! You've built boost.
- This is where the necessity of the Visual Studio 2015 build tools becomes apparent. You will need to open the VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt (search VS2015 in your Start Menu.)
- Set your current directory to this repositorys Library/Qt folder.
- Run the following command, substituting "${path}" for where you are keeping this repository.
$ ./configure -make nmake -platform win32-msvc2015 -prefix ${path}\Library\Qt -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests -webkit -xmlpatterns
- Example command if I kept the repository in
$ ./configure -make nmake -platform win32-msvc2015 -prefix D:\Roblox\Source\Library\Qt -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests -webkit -xmlpatterns
- That will configure everything. Once it is finished, run
. If you get an error forrc
not being recognized, add your SDK to PATH. - It should eventually stop and break somewhere, but by that time, you will have all the libraries you need.
- Congratulations! You partially compiled Qt.
Simply open up Roblox.sln and build. Everything listed as able to compile will compile, unless you're doing something wrong.
Library names suffixed with an asterisk (*) denote a library that is currently out of date.
- Boost v1.74.0
- libcurl v7.71.0
- zlib v1.12.11
- SDL v2.0.12
- VMProtect v2.1.3 *
- cpp-netlib v0.13.0-final
- Mesa v7.8.1 *
- xulrunner-sdk v1.9.0.11.en-US.win32.sdk *
- glsl-optimizer *
- hlsl2glsl *
- cabsdk *
- Windows/DirectX SDK
- w3c-libwww v5.4.2
- Qt 4.8.5 *
This is a complete and comprehensive list of all the major changes made to the original source code.
- Added all the "Contrib" libraries (see above)
- Able to compile, and run successfully all projects
- App
- AppDraw
- Network
- RCCService
- Base
- boost.static
- boost.test
- GfxBase
- RbxG3D
- graphics3D
- RbxTestHooks
- Base.UnitTest
- App.UnitTest
- RobloxStudio
- Log
- WindowsClient
- RobloxTest
- GfxCore
- GfxRender
- App.BulletPhysics
- CoreScriptConverter2
- Microsoft.Xbox.GameChat
- Microsoft.Xbox.Samples.NetworkMesh
- XboxClient
- Bootstrapper
- BootstrapperClient
- RobloxProxy
- NPRobloxProxy
- BootstrapperQTStudio
- BootstrapperRCCService
- RCCServiceArbiter
- RobloxModelAnalyzer
- Extract RbxDebug source files from bin/obj files
- MacClient
- RobloxMac
- Android
- iOS
- Backported features
- Studio dark theme
- Constraints
- Sound.PlaybackSpeed
- ScreenGui.Enabled
- ScreenGui.DisplayOrder
- Atmosphere
- Instance
- Wait
- Connect
- GetPropertyChangedSignal
- AnimationTrack.Looped
- Color3uint8
- Sky
- SunAngularSize
- MoonAngularSize
- SunTextureId
- MoonTextureId
- Lighting
- ClockTime
- Post Processing
- AASamples
- BloomEffect
- BlurEffect
- ColorCorrectionEffect
- SunRaysEffect
- Attempt a backport of the 2015 1x1 stud voxel shadow FIB prototype (demo here in 2015, and here in 2014)
- TextSize
- Easier to read debug stat GUIs
- LayerCollector.ResetOnSpawn
- "Oof" sound in volume slider
- Smooth camera scrolling
- Color3
- Color3.fromRGB
- Color3.fromHSV
- Color3.toHSV
- Instance:GetDescendants()
- MeshPart
- Terrain
- WaterReflectance
- MaterialColors
- New 2020 materials
- Sound effects
- FlangeSoundEffect
- SoundEffect
- SoundGroup
- PitchShiftSoundEffect
- ChorusSoundEffect
- CompressorSoundEffect
- TremoloSoundEffect
- ReverbSoundEffect
- DistortionSoundEffect
- EchoSoundEffect
- EqualizerSoundEffect
- ScreenGui.IgnoreGuiInset
- TextBox
- TextBox.CursorPosition
- TextBox.SelectionStart
- Home / End key compatibility with this
- New Developer Console
- Team
- Player.Team
- Team:GetPlayers()
- Team.PlayerAdded
- Team.PlayerRemoved
- Particle visiblity
- ForceField.Visible
- Explosion.Visible
- Decal.Color3
- ClickDetector
- ClickDetector.RightMouseClick
- ClickDetector.CursorIcon
- HttpService headers in HttpService:GetAsync and HttpService:PostAsync
- Humanoid.FloorMaterial
- Smooth camera scrolling
- New features
- WaterWave{Size|Speed} can be in the range of -FLT_MIN to FLT_MAX
- TextBox text selection
- Bring back SafeChat (Studio Settings -> Game Options -> ShowSafeChatButton)
- Unicode/UTF8
- 64-bit support
- Compile as VC++ 2019
- Uncap friction
- Lua 5.3 (or, port over the Lua 5.3 utf8 library)
- Unlock TextureTrail
- Uncap PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency
- Mesh format version 3.00 support
- Color3.toRGB
- Bug fixes
- DirectX
- DirectX 9 [ text render bug ] [ fixed, apparently never existed in first place ]
- DirectX 11 [ not initializing ]
- SDL Windows Key
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Chat output being smaller upon minimize
- DirectX