This repository contains scripts to process necessary geospatial datasets and implement efficient zonal statistics on given ESRI Shapefiles. The general usage of the script (i.e., ./
) is as follows:
extract-gis [options...]
Script options:
-d, --dataset Geospatial dataset of interest, currently
available options are: 'MODIS';
-i, --dataset-dir=DIR The source path of the dataset file(s)
-r, --crs=INT The EPSG code of interest; optional
[defaults to 4326]
-v, --variable=var1[,var2[...]] If applicable, variables to process
-o, --output-dir=DIR Writes processed files to DIR
-s, --start-date=DATE If applicable, start date of the geospatial
data; optional
-e, --end-date=DATE If applicable, end date of the geospatial
data; optional
-l, --lat-lims=REAL,REAL Latitude's upper and lower bounds; optional
-n, --lon-lims=REAL,REAL Longitude's upper and lower bounds; optional
-f, --shape-file=PATH Path to the ESRI '.shp' file; optional
-j, --submit-job Submit the data extraction process as a job
on the SLURM system; optional
-t, --print-geotiff=BOOL Extract the subsetted GeoTIFF file; optional
[defaults to 'true']
-a, --stat=stat1[,stat2[...]] If applicable, extract the statistics of
interest, currently available options are:
'coords'; 'count'; optional
-u, --include-na Include NA values in generated statistics;
-q, --quantile=q1[,q2[...]] Quantiles of interest to be produced if 'quantile'
is included in the '--stat' argument. The values
must be comma delimited float numbers between
0 and 1; optional [defaults to every 5th quantile]
-p, --prefix=STR Prefix prepended to the output files
-c, --cache=DIR Path of the cache directory; optional
-E, --email=STR E-mail when job starts, ends, and
fails; optional
-V, --version Show version
-h, --help Show this screen and exit
# | Dataset | Time Scale | CRS | DOI | Description |
1 | MODIS | 2000 - 2021 | 10.5067/MODIS/MCD12Q1.006 | link | |
2 | MERIT Hydro | Not Applicable (N/A) | 4326 | 10.1029/2019WR024873 | link |
3 | Soil Grids (v1) | Not Applicable (N/A) | 4326 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0169748 | link |
4 | Landsat NALCMS | 2010 and 2015 | 4326 | 10.3390/rs9111098 | link |
5 | Global Depth to Bedrock | Not Applicable (N/A) | 10.1002/2016MS000686 | link | |
6 | USDA Soil Class | Not Applicable (N/A) | 4326 | 10.4211/hs.1361509511e44adfba814f6950c6e742 | link |
7 | Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Modelling (GSDE) | Not Applicable (N/A) | 4326 | 10.1002/2013MS000293 | link |
As an example, follow the code block below. Please remember that you MUST have access to Graham cluster with Digital Alliance of Canada and have access to MERIT-Hydro
dataset. Also, remember to generate a Personal Access Token with GitHub in advance. Enter the following codes in your Graham shell as a test case:
foo@bar:~$ git clone # clone the repository
foo@bar:~$ cd ./gistool/ # always move to the repository's directory
foo@bar:~$ ./ -h # view the usage message
foo@bar:~$ wget -m -nd -nv -q -A "cat_pfaf_71_MERIT_Hydro_v07_Basins_v01_bugfix1.*" \
# downloading a sample shapefile
foo@bar:~$ ./ --dataset="merit-hydro" \
--dataset-dir="/project/rpp-kshook/CompHydCore/merit_hydro/raw_data/" \
--output-dir="$HOME/scratch/merit-hydro-test" \
--shape-file="./cat_pfaf_67_MERIT_Hydro_v07_Basins_v01_bugfix1.shp" \
--print-geotiff=true \
--stat="min,max,mean,median,quantile" \
--quantile="0.1,0.5,0.9" \
--variable="elv,hnd" \
See the example directory for real-world scripts for each geospatial dataset included in this repository.
If you are considering any new dataset to be added to the data repository, and subsequently the associated scripts added here, you can open a new ticket on the Issues tab of the current repository. Or, you can make a Pull Request on this repository with your own script.
Please open a new ticket on the Issues tab of the current repository in case of any problem.
Geospatial Dataset Processing Workflow
Copyright (C) 2022-2023, University of Saskatchewan
Copyright (C) 2023, University of Calgary
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see