Use this to mess around with the PC Volume Control server running on a Windows box.
env $ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-p SERVER_PORT] [-w] [-i] server_name
This is a PC Volume Control Python client.
positional arguments:
server_name server FQDN or IP
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p SERVER_PORT server listening TCP port, defaults to 3000
-w Just watch the server state.
-i Run in interactive mode for server testing.
env $
Some examples...
watch mode
Just just connects to the server and updates whatever the server's state is at a given moment in time.
$ ./ -w
<loads of JSON>
interactive mode
Just connect to the server IP or name and use the -i argument.
env $ ./ -i
what do? >
scary sessions t toggle v volume
what do? > toggle master
JSON string being sent to the server:
('{"version": 5, "defaultDevice": {"deviceId": '
'"0d33830e-d6f8-4883-8d41-a02d989d1621", "masterMuted": false}}')
what do? > volume master 50
JSON string being sent to the server:
('{"version": 5, "defaultDevice": {"deviceId": '
'"0d33830e-d6f8-4883-8d41-a02d989d1621", "masterVolume": 50.0}}')
what do? > volume fire 20
Session (Firefox) changed volume value to (20.0)
JSON string being sent to the server:
('{"version": 5, "defaultDevice": {"deviceId": '
'"0d33830e-d6f8-4883-8d41-a02d989d1621", "sessions": [{"name": "Firefox", '
'"id": '
'"{}.{0d33830e-d6f8-4883-8d41-a02d989d1621}|\\\\Device\\\\HarddiskVolume6\\\\Program '
'Files\\\\Mozilla '
'Firefox\\\\firefox.exe%b{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}", "volume": '
'20.0, "muted": false}]}}')
what do? >
Note there is tab-completion for the commands you can enter.