Welcome to my personal dotfiles repository! Here you’ll find my carefully curated configurations and scripts for a sleek Debian/sid environment. Feel free to explore, adapt, and integrate these dotfiles into your own setup. Instead of mirroring my entire configuration, I recommend cherry-picking the components that best suit your workflow.
In the near future, I plan to streamline the setup process with an installation script. For now, you’ll need to piece together the components yourself, but I hope you find the individual pieces useful in creating a setup that’s uniquely yours.
Screenshots are somewhere down there.
Here’s a rundown of the tools and applications that power my environment
Type | Name |
Window Manager | i3 |
Status Bar | polybar |
System Tray | stalonetray |
Notification Deamon | dunst |
Lockscreen | betterlockscreen |
System Info Tool | fastfetch btop |
Terminal | kitty |
Promt Theme Engine | starship |
Display Manager | ly |
App Launcher | rofi |
Web Browser | Firefox (with BetterFox) |
File Manager | lf thunar |
Code Editor | neovim VSCodium |
Image Viewer | qimgv |
Video Player | mpv |
Music Player | mpd ncmpcpp |
PDF Reader | Evince |
GTK Theme | Qogir-Dark |
Icon Theme | Papirus |
Cursor Theme | Borealis |
Fonts | Nerd Fonts JetBrains Mono Hurmit |