This python module uses Microsoft graph API REST capabilities to create, upload and modify files in a chosen Sharepoint site
graph TD
A[Operating System] --> B{Python Interpreter}
B --> C[Global Site Packages]
B --> D[Local Virtual Environment]
D --> E[Local Site Packages]
D --> F[Scripts]
G[Project Folder] --> D
H[Dependencies] --> E
- See requirements.txt
- This package uses python-dotenv see: Git-hub python-dotenv
A virtual environment (venv) is a tool that helps you isolate Python projects from each other. This is useful because it prevents different projects from interfering with each other's dependencies.
Virtualenv is a tool to set up your Python environments. Since Python 3.3, a subset of it has been integrated into the standard library under the venv module. You can install venv to your host Python by running this command in your terminal:
create your own .env file in the root of your project folder - see Example
pip install virtualenv
- Linux/Windows:
python3 -m venv {your_env_name}
- Linux:
source {your_env_name}/bin/activate
({your_env_name}) $
- Windows:
PS> {your_env_name}\Scripts\activate
({your_env_name}) PS>
- Linux / Windows:
({your_env_name}) $ pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt
- Linux / Windows:
({your_env_name}) $ python -m pip install <package-name>
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip list