Beacon Listener - Create listeners to detect when nodes with the specified selector(s) enter either the viewport or a specified region
Basic usage:
//listen for all elements with a class of 'beacon' in the viewport
var myListener = new BeaconListener({
beacons: '.beacon'
myListener.addEventListener('beacon-listener:found', function(e){;
myListener.addEventListener('beacon-listener:lost', function(e){
Advanced usage:
// listen for all elements with a class of 'beacon'
// but only if they are fully inside the region defined by #my-region
var myListener = new BeaconListener({
beacons: '.beacon',
region: '#my-region',
fullyInside: true,
pollInterval: 200
myListener.addEventListener('beacon-listener:found', function(e){;
myListener.addEventListener('beacon-listener:lost', function(e){
Lazy loading images:
var imageListener = new BeaconListener({
beacons : 'img[data-src]',
fullyInside : true,
pollInterval: 1000 / 60,
autoStart: true
imageListener.addEventListener('beacon-listener:found', function(e){
var img = e.detail.beacon,
newSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src');
if (newSrc && newSrc.length > 0){
img.src = newSrc;