With the Simplify Ipelet, you can simplify a path in the sense that points that only a small number of points (based on the input tolerance) are kept while retaining the shape. The ipelet utilizes the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm. The user can choose whether he wants to simplify to a polygonal chain or to a spline (a chain of cubic Bezier curves). The ipelet also gives an option to convert a polygonal chain into a spline.
The following example illustrates a hand-drawn path and two polygonal simplifications of it.
The second example shows a hand-drawn path, a polygonal simplification with tolerance 5px, and a spline simplification with tolerance 10px.
Download simplify.lua and copy it to ~/.ipe/ipelets/ (or to some other directory for ipelets).
Run "Ipelets->Simplify Path->Simplify" to simplify the currently selected path.
Run "Ipelets->Simplify Path->Simplify to Spline" to create a spline instead of a path.
Run "Ipelets->Simplify Path->Convert to Spline" to convert a path to a spline.
Run "Ipelets->Simplify Path->Round Corners" to round the corners on a polyline.
12. April 2016 first version of the Simplify Ipelet online
13. April 2016 added options to simplify and convert to a spline
17. March 2022 Added an option to round the corners of a polyline