neuron_poker Public
Forked from dickreuter/neuron_pokerTexas holdem OpenAi gym poker environment with reinforcement learning based on keras-rl. Includes virtual rendering and montecarlo for equity calculation.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2023 -
unisal Public
Forked from rdroste/unisalUnified Image and Video Saliency Modeling (ECCV 2020)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2021 -
horse Public
Forked from dickreuter/betfair-horse-racingA fully functional automated horse racing trading system for betfair in python. Collects data, uses a neural network to analyse the data, makes trading recommendations and places the bets before ra…
CSS UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
neural-style-pt Public
Forked from ProGamerGov/neural-style-ptPyTorch implementation of neural style transfer algorithm
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 18, 2020 -
EEGLearn Public
Forked from pbashivan/EEGLearnA set of functions for supervised feature learning/classification of mental states from EEG based on "EEG images" idea.
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
OB1_SAM Public
Model that simulates the processes behind reading in the brain.
tf_EEGLearn Public
Forked from YangWangsky/tf_EEGLearnA tensorflow implementation for EEGLearn
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 8, 2019 -
arl-eegmodels Public
Forked from vlawhern/arl-eegmodelsThis is the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) EEGModels Project: A Collection of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for EEG signal classification, using Keras and Tensorflow
Python Other UpdatedMay 13, 2019 -
salicon-evaluation Public
Forked from NUS-VIP/salicon-evaluationevaluation API for salicon : a counterpart of saliency prediction as https://github.com/tylin/coco-caption
HTML UpdatedMay 2, 2015