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forked from adrianhajdin/xora

Learn how to build and deploy a SaaS landing page with modern UI and mobile-first principles while strengthening your React.js and Tailwind CSS skills.

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react.js vite tailwindcss

Modern UI/UX SaaS Website

Build this project step by step with our detailed tutorial on JavaScript Mastery YouTube. Join the JSM family!
  1. ๐Ÿค– Introduction
  2. โš™๏ธ Tech Stack
  3. ๐Ÿ”‹ Features
  4. ๐Ÿคธ Quick Start
  5. ๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ Snippets (Code to Copy)
  6. ๐Ÿ”— Assets
  7. ๐Ÿš€ More

๐Ÿšจ Tutorial

This repository contains the code corresponding to an in-depth tutorial available on our YouTube channel, JavaScript Mastery.

If you prefer visual learning, this is the perfect resource for you. Follow our tutorial to learn how to build projects like these step-by-step in a beginner-friendly manner!

Xora is a Modern UI/UX SaaS website developed using React.js and Tailwind CSS that exemplifies modern UI/UX principles. Its sleek design, seamless animations, and overall user experience set a high standard, serving as a reference or inspiration for future modern applications or websites in general.

If you're getting started and need assistance or face any bugs, join our active Discord community with over 34k+ members. It's a place where people help each other out.

  • Vite
  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS

๐Ÿ‘‰ Stunning Sections: Includes hero, features, pricing (monthly/yearly), FAQ, testimonials, and download software sections.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Smooth Animations: Complex CSS for fluid animations and eye-catching effects.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Cool CSS Gradients: Beautiful gradient effects using CSS before and after pseudo-elements.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Seamless Navigation: Offers a smooth user experience with intuitive navigation and scrolling.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Optimized Performance: Built for fast loading and an optimized experience.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Pixel Perfect Design: Ensures flawless responsiveness across all devices and screen sizes.

and many more, including code architecture and reusability

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Cloning the Repository

git clone
cd xora


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Running the Project

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the project.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
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        s4: '#1959AD',
        s5: '#263466',
        black: {
          DEFAULT: '#000000',
          100: '#05091D',
      boxShadow: {
        100: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0px 16px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0px 3px 6px #1959AD',
        200: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0px 16px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0px 4px 10px #3391FF',
        300: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0px 16px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0px 3px 6px #1959AD',
        400: 'inset 0px 2px 4px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
        500: '0px 16px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0px -14px 48px rgba(40, 51, 111, 0.7)',
      fontFamily: {
        inter: ['Inter', 'sans-serif'],
        poppins: ['Poppins', 'sans-serif'],
      transitionProperty: {
        borderColor: 'border-color',
      spacing: {
        '1/5': '20%',
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      zIndex: {
        1: '1',
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        12: '48px',
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        40: '40px',
        half: '50%',
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      flex: {
        50: '0 0 50%',
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        300: '0 0 300px',
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        100: '0 0 100%',
  plugins: [],
@import url(',opsz,wght@0,14..32,100..900;1,14..32,100..900&family=Poppins:ital,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap');

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer base {
  html {
    @apply bg-s1;

  body {
    @apply font-poppins text-[16px] tracking-[-0.03em] text-p5;

  a {
    @apply no-underline;

  img {
    @apply block max-w-full;

  button {
    @apply bg-none tracking-[-0.03em];

  input {
    @apply tracking-[-0.03em];

@layer utilities {
  /* START of Typography */
  .h-num {
    @apply font-inter text-[72px] font-bold leading-[84px];

  .h1 {
    @apply text-[84px] font-black leading-[84px] tracking-[-0.03em];

  .h2 {
    @apply text-[64px] font-black leading-[64px];

  .h3 {
    @apply text-[48px] font-semibold leading-[56px] tracking-[-0.02em];

  .h4 {
    @apply text-[40px] font-semibold leading-[52px];

  .h5 {
    @apply text-[32px] font-semibold leading-[40px];

  .h6 {
    @apply text-[24px] font-medium leading-[36px];

  .body-1 {
    @apply text-[22px] leading-[36px];

  .body-2 {
    @apply text-[18px] font-semibold leading-[32px];

  .body-3 {
    @apply text-[16px] leading-[28px] tracking-[0.02em];

  .base {
    @apply text-[16px] font-medium leading-[24px] tracking-[0.03em];

  .base-bold {
    @apply text-[16px] font-bold leading-[24px];

  .base-small {
    @apply text-[14px] font-semibold leading-[18px] tracking-[0.03em];

  .small-1 {
    @apply text-[14px] font-semibold leading-[18px] tracking-[0.03em];

  .small-2 {
    @apply text-[12px] font-bold leading-[16px] tracking-[0.3em];

  .small-compact {
    @apply text-[12px] font-semibold leading-[18px] tracking-[0.03em];

  /* END of Typography */
  /* START of Gradients */
  .g1 {
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(196, 203, 245, 0.5), transparent);

  .g2 {
    background: linear-gradient(#3062a3, #19549f);

  .g3 {
    background: linear-gradient(#3c52d9, #0c1838);

  .g4 {
    background: linear-gradient(#253575, #162561);

  .g5 {
    background: linear-gradient(#334679, #162561);

  .g6 {
    background: linear-gradient(#334679, #0c1838);

  .g7 {
    background: linear-gradient(#1b275a, #0e1434);

  .g8 {
    background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent, #2ef2ff, transparent);

  .g9 {
    background: linear-gradient(#080d27, transparent);

  /* END of Gradients */
  /* START of Common */
  .container {
    @apply mx-auto max-w-[1252px] px-16 max-xl:px-10 max-lg:px-6 max-sm:px-4;

  .caption {
    @apply small-2 mb-5 uppercase text-p3;

  .scroll-hide::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;

  .scroll-hide {
    -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE and Edge */
    scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */

  /* END of Common */
  /* START of Header */
  .nav-active {
    @apply text-p3;

  .nav-li {
    @apply relative flex flex-1 items-center justify-between max-lg:flex-col max-lg:items-start;

  .nav-logo {
    @apply relative flex flex-1 items-center justify-center;

  .dot {
    @apply size-1.5 rounded-full bg-p2 max-lg:hidden;

  .sidebar-before {
    @apply max-lg:before:absolute max-lg:before:-right-64 max-lg:before:top-2/5 max-lg:before:h-[440px] max-lg:before:w-[252px] max-lg:before:bg-s4 max-lg:before:blur-[200px] max-lg:before:content-[''];

  /* END of Header */
  /* START of Hero */
  .hero-img_res {
    @apply max-lg:-top-40 max-lg:left-[calc(50%-280px)] max-lg:w-[1160px] max-md:bottom-[-590px] max-md:left-[calc(50%-390px)] max-md:top-auto;

  /* END of Hero */
  /*START of Custom Button*/
  .inner-before {
    @apply before:g7 before:absolute before:inset-0 before:opacity-0 before:transition-opacity before:duration-500 before:content-[''];

  .glow-before {
    @apply before:g8 before:absolute before:left-2/5 before:top-0 before:z-4 before:h-0.5 before:w-3/5 before:opacity-0 before:transition-all before:duration-500 before:content-[''] group-hover:before:left-4 group-hover:before:opacity-40;

  .glow-after {
    @apply after:g8 after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:left-4 after:z-4 after:h-0.5 after:w-7/20 after:opacity-0 after:transition-all after:duration-500 after:content-[''] group-hover:after:left-3/5 group-hover:after:opacity-40;

  /*END of Custom Button*/
  /* START of Feature */
  .feature-after {
    @apply after:g1 after:absolute after:right-0 after:top-0 after:h-full after:w-1/2 after:mix-blend-soft-light after:content-[''] max-md:after:hidden;

  /* END of Feature */
  /* START of Pricing */
  .pricing-head_before {
    @apply before:absolute before:-bottom-44 before:left-1/5 before:h-96 before:w-13/20 before:bg-s4/50 before:blur-[200px] before:content-[''];

  .pricing-head_btn {
    @apply base-bold relative z-2 h-16 flex-1 uppercase text-p5 transition-colors duration-500 hover:text-p4;

  .pricing-head_btn_before {
    @apply before:absolute before:-top-16 before:left-9 before:right-9 before:bg-s4 before:blur-xl before:content-[""];

  .pricing-bg {
    @apply pointer-events-none absolute -bottom-16 left-[calc(50%-480px)] z-2 mx-auto w-960;

  .pricing-plan_first {
    @apply first:rounded-bl-3xl first:rounded-tl-3xl lg:first:border-r-0;

  .pricing-plan_last {
    @apply last:rounded-br-3xl last:rounded-tr-3xl lg:last:border-l-0;

  .pricing-plan_odd {
    @apply odd:border-s3 odd:bg-s1 lg:odd:mt-12;

  .pricing-plan_even {
    @apply even:g7 even:rounded-bl-3xl even:rounded-br-3xl even:rounded-tl-3xl even:rounded-tr-3xl even:border-s4;

  /* END of Pricing */
  /* START of FAQ */
  .faq-line_after {
    @apply after:absolute after:-top-1.5 after:left-[calc(50%-5px)] after:z-4 after:size-2.5 after:rounded-half after:border-2 after:border-s2 after:bg-s1 after:content-[''];

  .faq-glow_before {
    @apply before:absolute before:left-[calc(50%-160px)] before:top-[-160px] before:size-[320px] before:bg-s4/25 before:mix-blend-soft-light before:blur-[200px] before:content-[''];

  .faq-icon {
    @apply before:absolute before:h-0.5 before:w-3 before:bg-p3 before:content-[''] after:absolute after:h-0.5 after:w-3 after:rotate-90 after:bg-p3 after:transition-all after:duration-500 after:content-[''];

  /* END of FAQ */
  /* START of Testimonials */
  .testimonials_head-res {
    @apply max-2xl:mr-6 max-xl:mr-3 max-lg:mx-auto max-lg:mb-36 max-lg:max-w-330 max-lg:text-center max-md:mb-24 max-md:max-w-52;

  .testimonials_inner-before {
    @apply before:pointer-events-none before:absolute before:-top-28 before:left-[calc(50%-1px)] before:h-[calc(100%+218px)] before:w-0.5 before:bg-s2 before:content-[''] before:max-lg:top-0 before:max-lg:h-full before:max-md:hidden;

  .testimonials_inner-after {
    @apply after:pointer-events-none after:absolute after:-bottom-52 after:left-[calc(50%-1px)] after:h-24 after:w-0.5 after:bg-s5 after:content-[''] after:max-lg:-bottom-24 after:max-md:hidden;

  .testimonials_group-after {
    @apply after:pointer-events-none after:absolute after:-bottom-[212px] after:left-[calc(50%-5px)] after:z-2 after:size-2.5 after:rounded-half after:border-2 after:border-s5 after:bg-s1 after:content-[''] max-lg:after:-bottom-[102px] max-md:after:hidden;

  /* END of Testimonials */
  /*  START of Download*/
  .download_tech-link_last-before {
    @apply last:relative last:before:pointer-events-none last:before:absolute last:before:left-full last:before:top-[calc(50%-1px)] last:before:mr-6 last:before:h-0.5 last:before:w-[140px] last:before:bg-s5 last:before:content-[''] last:before:max-xl:w-[105px] last:before:max-lg:w-[80px] last:before:max-md:hidden;

  .download_tech-link_last-after {
    @apply last:after:pointer-events-none last:after:absolute last:after:left-[223px] last:after:top-[calc(50%-5px)] last:after:z-2 last:after:size-2.5 last:after:rounded-half last:after:border-2 last:after:border-s5 last:after:bg-s1 last:after:content-[''] last:after:max-xl:left-[187px] last:after:max-lg:left-[163px] last:after:max-md:hidden;

  .download_tech-icon {
    @apply relative z-2 flex size-full items-center justify-center transition-all duration-500;

  .download_tech-icon_before {
    @apply before:absolute before:inset-1.5 before:rounded-half before:bg-s2 before:content-[''] hover:border-s4;

  .download_tech-link:hover .download_tech-icon svg path {
    @apply fill-p1;

  .download_preview-before {
    @apply before:g8 before:absolute before:-top-0.5 before:right-6 before:h-0.5 before:w-[63.2%] before:opacity-40 before:content-[''];

  .download_preview-after {
    @apply after:g8 after:absolute after:-bottom-0.5 after:left-6 after:h-0.5 after:w-[42.2%] after:opacity-40 after:content-[''];

  .download_preview-dot {
    @apply absolute top-6 size-2.5 rounded-half;

  /*  END of Download*/
  /*  START of Footer */
  .legal-after {
    @apply after:absolute after:-right-5 after:top-[calc(50%-1px)] after:h-0.5 after:w-0.5 after:rounded-half after:bg-p2 after:content-[''];

  .social-icon {
    @apply flex size-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full border-2 border-s4/25 bg-s1/5 transition-all duration-500 hover:border-s4;

  /*  END of Footer*/

IMPORTANT ๐Ÿ‘‡: The file should be named index.jsx, not index.js as demonstrated in the video. This change is necessary because we've added SVG components in the constants file.

export const features = [
    id: '0',
    icon: '/images/feature-1.png',
    caption: 'Easy integration',
    title: 'Work smarter not harder',
    text: "With Xora, tedious tasks are history. Automation andย smart processes bring your productivity toย new heights. It's like having an extra cup ofย coffee, but without the jitters.",
    button: {
      icon: '/images/magictouch.svg',
      title: 'Watch the demo',
    id: '1',
    icon: '/images/feature-2.png',
    caption: 'Secure & trustworthy',
    title: 'Sleep easy, we got your back',
    text: 'Your data security is our priority. With state-of-the-art encryption and robust privacy controls, Xoraย helps keeps your information secure and locked up tighter than Fortย Knox.',
    button: {
      icon: '/images/docs.svg',
      title: 'Read the docs',

export const details = [
    id: '0',
    icon: '/images/detail-1.png',
    title: 'AI automated video editing',
    id: '1',
    icon: '/images/detail-2.png',
    title: 'Collaborate with your team',
    id: '2',
    icon: '/images/detail-3.png',
    title: 'Ultra fast cloud-engine',
    id: '3',
    icon: '/images/detail-4.png',
    title: '24 / 7 Customer support',

export const faq = [
    id: '0',
    question: 'How easy is it to setup Xora?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '1',
    question: 'Can I integrate Xora with other platforms?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '2',
    question: 'How often do you add new content?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '3',
    question: 'What your refund policy?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '4',
    question: 'Do you have corporate plans?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '5',
    question: 'What happens when Iโ€™m out of storage?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '6',
    question: 'Can I upgrade my plan?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '7',
    question: 'How do I invite my team?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '8',
    question: 'Do you offer training for individuals and teams?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',
    id: '9',
    question: 'Iโ€™m locked out of my account what do I do?',
      'Absolutely! Not only you can upgrade your plan at any time but you also get a prorated discount giving you maximum value for your subscription.',

export const plans = [
    id: '0',
    title: 'Core',
    priceMonthly: 19,
    priceYearly: 12,
    caption: 'Best for solo creators',
    features: [
      '100MB Cloud storage',
      '100+ prompt templates',
      '5 projects',
      '24/7 support',
    icon: '/images/circle.svg',
    logo: '/images/plan-1.png',
    id: '1',
    title: 'Overdrive',
    priceMonthly: 79,
    priceYearly: 59,
    caption: 'Most popular plan',
    features: [
      'All Starter features',
      '1TB additional storage',
      'Unlimited projects',
    icon: '/images/triangle.svg',
    logo: '/images/plan-2.png',
    id: '2',
    title: 'Team',
    priceMonthly: 39,
    priceYearly: 29,
    caption: 'Exclusively for teams',
    features: [
      'All Overdrive features',
      '10TB additional storage',
      '50% off per member',
      'Real-time collaboration',
    icon: '/images/hexagon.svg',
    logo: '/images/plan-3.png',

export const testimonials = [
    id: '0',
    name: 'Jessica Saunders',
    role: 'Globalnomads',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/jessica-saunders.png',
      "Xora's customer support is second to none! Theyโ€™re like my tech superheroes, always there when I need them.",
    id: '1',
    name: 'Mark Erixon',
    role: 'Vid capital intl',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/mark-erixon.png',
      "I was skeptical at first, but now I can't imagine our content operations without it. It's that impactful.",
    id: '2',
    name: 'Melanie Hurst',
    role: 'Cyberleap',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/melanie-hurst.png',
      "Adopting this software was a breeze. It's made everyday tasks so much simpler.",
    id: '3',
    name: 'Alicia Barker',
    role: 'Cyberleap',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/alicia-barker.png',
      "The analytics feature is like having a personal fortune teller. It's been instrumental in guiding our business decisions.",
    id: '4',
    name: 'Becky Snider',
    role: 'Floclips',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/becky-snider.png',
      "Switched to Xora last month, and I'm already seeing results. Best decision for our team!",
    id: '5',
    name: 'Jim Bradley',
    role: 'Vid capital intl',
    avatarUrl: '/images/testimonials/jim-bradley.png',
      'The efficiency boost is undeniable. This platform has transformed our workflow, forever.',

export const logos = [
    id: '0',
    title: 'Afterpay',
    url: '/images/logos/afterpay.svg',
    width: 156,
    height: 48,
    id: '1',
    title: 'Amplitude',
    url: '/images/logos/amplitude.svg',
    width: 194,
    height: 48,
    id: '2',
    title: 'Sonos',
    url: '/images/logos/sonos.svg',
    width: 115,
    height: 48,
    id: '3',
    title: 'Maze',
    url: '/images/logos/maze.svg',
    width: 142,
    height: 48,
    id: '4',
    title: 'Drips',
    url: '/images/logos/drips.svg',
    width: 77,
    height: 48,

export const Ios = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 32 32"
        d="M24.9404 17.0175C24.9566 15.791 25.2903 14.5884 25.9105 13.5217C26.5307 12.4549 27.4173 11.5586 28.4876 10.9162C27.8077 9.96818 26.9106 9.18798 25.8677 8.63759C24.8249 8.0872 23.6649 7.78178 22.48 7.74559C19.9523 7.48658 17.5019 9.22215 16.2138 9.22215C14.9009 9.22215 12.9177 7.77131 10.7822 7.8142C9.40087 7.85777 8.05467 8.2499 6.87475 8.95239C5.69483 9.65487 4.72143 10.6438 4.04939 11.8227C1.13826 16.7431 3.3097 23.9744 6.09832 27.9516C7.49352 29.8992 9.12411 32.0746 11.2577 31.9975C13.3456 31.913 14.1253 30.6978 16.6456 30.6978C19.1424 30.6978 19.874 31.9975 22.0509 31.9484C24.2912 31.9129 25.7028 29.9922 27.049 28.0262C28.0514 26.6385 28.8228 25.1048 29.3345 23.4819C28.0329 22.9445 26.9222 22.0449 26.1408 20.8954C25.3594 19.7458 24.942 18.3971 24.9404 17.0175Z"
        d="M20.829 5.12933C22.0505 3.69777 22.6523 1.85774 22.5066 0C20.6403 0.191354 18.9165 1.0621 17.6784 2.43873C17.0731 3.11126 16.6095 3.89365 16.3141 4.74119C16.0187 5.58873 15.8973 6.4848 15.9569 7.37817C16.8903 7.38755 17.8138 7.19004 18.6577 6.8005C19.5017 6.41097 20.244 5.83956 20.829 5.12933Z"

export const Android = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 33 32"
        d="M4.74 0.0459256L22.8329 10.1427L18.5589 14.2804L4.37614 0.543765C4.12087 0.295202 4.41704 -0.131925 4.72872 0.0394973L4.74 0.0459256Z"
        d="M1.8335 30.0342V1.96373C1.83368 1.90283 1.85161 1.84334 1.88505 1.79272C1.91848 1.7421 1.96592 1.70261 2.02142 1.67919C2.07692 1.65577 2.13801 1.64947 2.19703 1.66108C2.25606 1.67269 2.31038 1.70169 2.3532 1.74445L16.7828 15.9997L2.3532 30.2534C2.31038 30.2962 2.25606 30.3252 2.19703 30.3368C2.13801 30.3484 2.07692 30.3421 2.02142 30.3187C1.96592 30.2953 1.91848 30.2558 1.88505 30.2052C1.85161 30.1545 1.83368 30.0951 1.8335 30.0342Z"
        d="M4.37775 31.4555C4.12108 31.7041 4.41724 32.1312 4.73033 31.9598L4.74161 31.9534L22.8331 21.8566L18.5591 17.7175L4.37775 31.4555Z"
        d="M25.0844 11.3955L30.1368 14.214C31.5112 14.9832 31.5112 17.016 30.1368 17.7853L25.0844 20.6016L20.3338 15.9996L25.0844 11.3955Z"

export const Windows = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 33 32"
        d="M17.674 2.64859L29.4077 0.0307338C30.3171 -0.165605 31.1678 0.603406 31.1678 1.63418V12.7273C31.1678 13.6272 30.5078 14.3635 29.7011 14.3635H17.9674C17.1607 14.3635 16.5006 13.6272 16.5006 12.7273V4.25204C16.5006 3.46669 16.9846 2.79585 17.674 2.64859Z"
        d="M17.674 29.3507L29.4077 31.9686C30.3171 32.1649 31.1678 31.3959 31.1678 30.3651V19.272C31.1678 18.3721 30.5078 17.6358 29.7011 17.6358H17.9674C17.1607 17.6358 16.5006 18.3721 16.5006 19.272V27.7473C16.5006 28.5326 16.9846 29.2035 17.674 29.3507Z"
        d="M11.7925 3.82676L2.99217 5.90466C2.31748 6.06827 1.8335 6.73912 1.8335 7.50811V12.7275C1.8335 13.6273 2.49352 14.3636 3.30021 14.3636H12.1005C12.9072 14.3636 13.5672 13.6273 13.5672 12.7275V5.41383C13.5672 4.38305 12.7018 3.5977 11.7925 3.82676Z"
        d="M2.99217 26.0948L11.7925 28.1727C12.7018 28.4018 13.5672 27.6164 13.5672 26.5856V19.272C13.5672 18.3721 12.9072 17.6358 12.1005 17.6358H3.30021C2.49352 17.6358 1.8335 18.3721 1.8335 19.272V24.4913C1.8335 25.2603 2.31748 25.9312 2.99217 26.0948Z"

export const Web = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 33 32"
        d="M12.5484 0.847986C11.8284 2.95995 11.3164 5.15192 10.9164 7.34388C14.6285 6.92789 18.3727 6.92789 22.0848 7.34388C21.6848 5.15192 21.1728 2.97595 20.4528 0.847986C20.4307 0.759613 20.4238 0.686493 20.4164 0.607564C20.4131 0.572174 20.4097 0.535616 20.4048 0.495992C19.1567 0.191997 17.8447 0 16.5006 0C15.1405 0 13.8445 0.191997 12.5804 0.495992C12.5741 0.546895 12.5728 0.592737 12.5715 0.637543C12.5696 0.7054 12.5677 0.770896 12.5484 0.847986Z"
        d="M24.8211 7.67982C26.8852 8.03181 28.9172 8.52781 30.9333 9.1358C29.3493 5.82385 26.6771 3.15189 23.365 1.56792C23.989 3.56789 24.485 5.61585 24.8211 7.67982Z"
        d="M9.54034 30.2556C9.51633 30.2556 9.48833 30.2636 9.46033 30.2716C9.43233 30.2796 9.40433 30.2876 9.38033 30.2876C6.27619 28.7517 3.74809 26.2077 2.19602 23.1037C2.19602 23.0797 2.20402 23.0517 2.21202 23.0237C2.22002 22.9957 2.22802 22.9677 2.22802 22.9437C4.1801 23.5197 6.19619 23.9517 8.19628 24.2877C8.54829 26.3037 8.96431 28.3037 9.54034 30.2556Z"
        d="M30.8053 23.1197C29.2213 26.3037 26.5811 28.8797 23.365 30.4316C23.973 28.3997 24.485 26.3517 24.8211 24.2877C26.8372 23.9517 28.8212 23.5197 30.7733 22.9437C30.7637 22.9823 30.7772 23.0208 30.7896 23.0558C30.7977 23.079 30.8053 23.1006 30.8053 23.1197Z"
        d="M9.54041 1.74401C8.96438 3.69598 8.54836 5.67994 8.21235 7.69591C6.14826 8.01591 4.10017 8.5279 2.06808 9.13589C3.62015 5.91994 6.19626 3.27998 9.3804 1.69601C9.4044 1.69601 9.4324 1.70801 9.4604 1.72001C9.4884 1.73201 9.51641 1.74401 9.54041 1.74401Z"
        d="M7.84432 21.5836C5.63622 21.1836 3.46013 20.6716 1.34804 19.9516C1.27094 19.9324 1.20545 19.9305 1.13759 19.9286C1.09278 19.9273 1.04693 19.926 0.996021 19.9196C0.692008 18.6557 0.5 17.3597 0.5 15.9997C0.5 14.6557 0.692008 13.3437 0.996021 12.0958C1.03565 12.0908 1.07221 12.0874 1.1076 12.0841C1.18653 12.0767 1.25966 12.0699 1.34804 12.0478C3.47613 11.3438 5.63622 10.8158 7.84432 10.4158C7.4443 14.1277 7.4443 17.8717 7.84432 21.5836Z"
        d="M32.005 19.9196C32.309 18.6557 32.501 17.3597 32.501 15.9997C32.501 14.6557 32.309 13.3597 32.005 12.0958C31.877 12.0958 31.781 12.0798 31.653 12.0478C29.5409 11.3278 27.3488 10.8158 25.1567 10.4158C25.5727 14.1277 25.5727 17.8717 25.1567 21.5836C27.3488 21.1836 29.5249 20.6556 31.653 19.9516C31.7301 19.9324 31.7956 19.9305 31.8635 19.9286C31.9083 19.9273 31.9541 19.926 32.005 19.9196Z"
        d="M22.0848 24.6554C21.6848 26.8633 21.1728 29.0393 20.4528 31.1513C20.4307 31.2396 20.4238 31.3128 20.4164 31.3917C20.4131 31.4271 20.4097 31.4636 20.4048 31.5033C19.1567 31.8073 17.8447 31.9993 16.5006 31.9993C15.1405 31.9993 13.8445 31.8073 12.5804 31.5033C12.5741 31.4524 12.5728 31.4065 12.5715 31.3617C12.5696 31.2939 12.5677 31.2284 12.5484 31.1513C11.8444 29.0233 11.3164 26.8633 10.9164 24.6554C12.7724 24.8634 14.6285 25.0074 16.5006 25.0074C18.3727 25.0074 20.2448 24.8634 22.0848 24.6554Z"
        d="M10.4793 22.0209C14.4812 22.5258 18.5205 22.5258 22.5224 22.0209C23.0274 18.0192 23.0274 13.9802 22.5224 9.97847C18.5205 9.47358 14.4812 9.47358 10.4793 9.97847C9.97434 13.9802 9.97434 18.0192 10.4793 22.0209Z"

export const links = [
    id: '0',
    title: 'Ios',
    icon: <Ios />,
    url: '#',
    id: '1',
    title: 'Android',
    icon: <Android />,
    url: '#',
    id: '2',
    title: 'Windows',
    icon: <Windows />,
    url: '#',
    id: '3',
    title: 'Web',
    icon: <Web />,
    url: '#',

export const socials = [
    id: '0',
    title: 'x',
    icon: '/images/socials/x.svg',
    url: '#',
    id: '1',
    title: 'Threads',
    icon: '/images/socials/threads.svg',
    url: '#',
    id: '2',
    title: 'Instagram',
    icon: '/images/socials/instagram.svg',
    url: '#',
    id: '3',
    title: 'Discord',
    icon: '/images/socials/discord.svg',
    url: '#',
const Marker = ({ fill }) => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 8 22"
        d="M2.5 0H0.5V4V18V22H2.5V16.25L7.63991 11.7526C8.09524 11.3542 8.09524 10.6458 7.63991 10.2474L2.5 5.75V0Z"
        fill={fill || '#2EF2FF'}

export default Marker;

Assets used in the project can be found here

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  • JavaScript 81.6%
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