A Symfony 2 bundle for the Billomat API client.
Add bundle via command line
php composer.phar require phobetor/billomat-bundle
or manually to composer.json
"require": {
"phobetor/billomat-bundle": "~1.3"
Fetch the needed files:
$ php composer.phar update phobetor/billomat-bundle
This will install the bundle and the client to your project’s vendor
Add the bundle to your project’s AppKernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// […]
new PhobetorBillomatBundle\PhobetorBillomatBundle()
Add your credentials to app/config/config.yml
# app/config/config.yml
id: 'my-id' # your Billomat id (required)
api_key: 'my-key' # your Billomat API key (required)
application: # your Billomat API application credentials
# (if you have a registered application)
id: 'my-app-id' # your Billomat API application’s id
secret: 'my-app-secret' # your Billomat API application’s secret
Using the Billomat API with a registered app is highly recommended due to higher rate limits.
Get client from Symfony’s DI container:
$billomat = $this->get('phobetor_billomat')->getClient();
If this client is used in asynchronous processes or CLI commands you can activate automatic waiting for rate limit reset.
In that mode all method calls that would otherwise throw a \Phobetor\Billomat\Exception\TooManyRequestsException
will wait for the rate limit reset and retry automatically.
You SHOULD NOT use this in synchronous request (e. g. a website request) because all method calls in that mode can last very long and most likely longer than your server’s gateway timeout.
There are two ways to do this.
In configuration:
# app/config/config.yml
# […]
wait_for_rate_limit_reset: true
After fetching from container:
$billomat = $this->get('phobetor_billomat')->getClient();
You can add multiple configurations to your app/config/config.yml
. This allows you to configure multiple users, apps or combinations.
# app/config/config.yml
id: 'my-id'
api_key: 'my-key'
id: 'my-id'
api_key: 'my-key'
id: 'my-app-id'
secret: 'my-app-secret'
wait_for_rate_limit_reset: true
This example configures the default client without an app (which grants requests up to the standard user rate limit of 300 requests) and without automatic rate limit handling.
In addition another cli
client is configured with an app (which grants requests up to the standard app rate limit of 1000 requests) and with automatic rate limit handling.
In that way you can use a client with automatic rate limit handling in you asynchronous (and most likely long running) cli commands:
$billomat = $this->get('phobetor_billomat')->getClient('cli');
// e. g. create a huge bunch of invoices
In parallel, you can use a client without a configured app (which gives you a lower, but separate rate limit) to use in your application’s requests:
$billomat = $this->get('phobetor_billomat')->getClient();
// e. g. fetch and show a list of invoices in your internal application