Platform-agnostic driver to communicate with devices that implement the Adafruit Seesaw firmware. See the Seesaw guide for more information on the firmware.
The library uses and follows the patterns of the shared-bus
library so that multiple devices can be connected and communicated with without owning the I2C bus.
Communicating with Seesaw devices requires a bus that implements both I2C
traits and Delay
from embedded-hal
If you're communicating with devices within a single thread, use the SeesawSingleThread
struct, which uses the NullMutex
bus mutex implementation from `shared-bus:
// Setup on an STM32F405
let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let clocks = dp.RCC.constrain().cfgr.freeze();
let delay = cp.SYST.delay(&clocks);
let i2c = I2c::new(dp.I2C1, (scl, sda), 400.kHz(), &clocks);
let seesaw = SeesawSingleThread::new(delay, i2c);
Example usage of using multi-threaded Seesaw
in a std
context, running on an ESP32-S3:
use adafruit_seesaw::{prelude::*, RotaryEncoder, Seesaw};
use esp_idf_hal::{
i2c::{I2cConfig, I2cDriver},
use shared_bus::{once_cell, I2cProxy};
use std::time::Duration;
type SeesawMultiThread<BUS> = Seesaw<std::sync::Mutex<BUS>>;
fn main() -> ! {
// System
let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut i2c_power = PinDriver::output(peripherals.pins.gpio7).unwrap();
i2c_power.set_low().expect("Failed to turn off I2C power");
// I2C
let (sda, scl) = (peripherals.pins.gpio3, peripherals.pins.gpio4);
let config = I2cConfig::new().baudrate(400.kHz().into());
let i2c = I2cDriver::<'static>::new(peripherals.i2c0, sda, scl, &config)
.expect("Failed to create I2C driver");
i2c_power.set_high().expect("Failed to turn on I2C power");
let bus: &'static _ = shared_bus::new_std!(I2cDriver = i2c).unwrap();
let seesaw: &'static _ = {
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
static MANAGER: OnceCell<
I2cProxy<'_, std::sync::Mutex<I2cDriver<'_>>>,
> = OnceCell::new();
let m = SeesawMultiThread::new(Delay, bus.acquire_i2c());
match MANAGER.set(m) {
Ok(_) => MANAGER.get(),
Err(_) => None,
let _encoder =
.expect("Failed to start rotary encoder.");
loop {
// Do stuff with rotary encoder
All devices implement the SeesawDevice
trait and have the same constructor function, along with lots of other device-specific information.
Product value | Const method on all SeesawDevice s |
Notes |
Default Address | Device::default_addr() |
Hardware ID | Device::hardware_id() |
This value depends on the host MCU of the device |
Product ID | Device::product_id() |
You can use this value to go to the product page at$product_id |
Let's talk to a NeoKey1x4 using the seesaw
manager we created above.
let neokeys = NeoKey1x4::new_with_default_addr(seesaw.acquire_driver());
let neokeys = NeoKey1x4::new(0x00, seesaw.acquire_driver());
Devices that implement SeesawDevice
also implmement SeesawDeviceInit
, which defines a device-specific init
function for setting up a device's hardware functionality. The intention is to run a set of sensible defaults so you don't have to remember to do it yourself.
let neokeys = NeoKey1x4::new_with_default_addr(seesaw.acquire_driver())
.expect("Failed to initialize NeoKey1x4");
For instance, the init
function for our Neokey1x4
does the following:
- Resets the device
- Reads & verifies the device hardware ID
- Enables the on-device neopixels
- Enables the on-device buttons
Calling init
is of course optional, but without it you'll have to handle initialization yourself.
So far, this library only implements a few Seesaw devices (i.e., the ones that I currently own). You can define your own device using the seesaw_device!
Let's assume you have some future Adafruit Neokey-esque device that has 6 buttons and 6 neopixels.
seesaw_device! {
name: Neokey2x3,
hardware_id: HardwareId::_,
product_id: _,
default_addr: _,
modules: [
NeopixelModule { num_leds: 6, pin: _ },
The last thing you might want to do is implmeent the SeesawDeviceInit
trait to handle the device intialization:
impl<D: Driver> SeesawDeviceInit<D> for Neokey2x3<D> {
fn init(mut self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
.and_then(|_| self.enable_neopixel())
.and_then(|_| self.enable_button_pins())
.map(|_| self)
Now you can use the new device as you would any other:
let neokeys = NeoKey2x3::new_with_default_addr(seesaw.acquire_driver())
.expect("Failed to initialize NeoKey1x4");
Seesaw Module | Implemented |
ADC | ✅ |
EEPROM | ⬜️ |
Encoder | ✅ |
GPIO | ✅ |
Keypad | ⬜️ |
Neopixel | ✅ |
Sercom0 | ⬜️ |
Spectrum | ⬜️ |
Status | ✅ |
Timer | ✅ |
Touch | ⬜️ |
- ⬜️ Ask Adafruit nicely for a list of their products that use the Seesaw firmware
Device | Product ID | MCU | Implemented |
ArcadeButton1x4 | 5296 | ATTiny8x7 | ✅ |
NeoKey1x4 | 4980 | SAMD09 | ✅ |
NeoSlider | 5295 | ATTiny8x7 | ✅ |
RotaryEncoder | 4991 | SAMD09 | ✅ |
⬜️ Add feature flag and implementations for using eh alpha
⬜️ Add features for using platform-specific mutexes (these flags will be coupled directly with the feaure flags of
) -
⬜️ Setup github actions for CI porpoises
adafruit-seesaw is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.
Not affiliated with, nor officially supported by Adafruit.