This repository contains the design and structure of a comprehensive university database. The database is intended to manage various aspects of university operations, including student enrollment, faculty assignments, courses, research projects, and more.
The database is designed to handle:
- Student and faculty information
- Course and enrollment details
- Research projects and related publications and grants
- Various student services such as career counseling and mental health support
- Library resources and student organizations
- Building facilities management
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Attribute | Data Type | Description |
student_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
first_name | VARCHAR(50) | Student's first name |
last_name | VARCHAR(50) | Student's last name |
VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Student's email address | |
phone_number | VARCHAR(15) | Student's phone number |
date_of_birth | DATE | Student's date of birth |
enrollment_date | DATE | Date of student's enrollment |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
faculty_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
first_name | VARCHAR(50) | Faculty's first name |
last_name | VARCHAR(50) | Faculty's last name |
VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Faculty's email address | |
phone_number | VARCHAR(15) | Faculty's phone number |
hire_date | DATE | Date of faculty's hire |
department_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Department(department_id) |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
department_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Department name |
head | INT | Foreign Key, references Faculty(faculty_id) |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
course_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Course name |
description | TEXT | Course description |
credits | INT | Number of credits |
department_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Department(department_id) |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
enrollment_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
student_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student(student_id) |
course_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Course(course_id) |
semester | VARCHAR(10) | Semester of enrollment |
year | YEAR | Year of enrollment |
grade | VARCHAR(2) | Grade received |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
research_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
faculty_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Faculty(faculty_id) |
title | VARCHAR(100) | Research project title |
description | TEXT | Research project description |
start_date | DATE | Start date of the project |
end_date | DATE | End date of the project |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
publication_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
research_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Research_Project(research_id) |
title | VARCHAR(100) | Publication title |
type | VARCHAR(50) | Type of publication |
publication_date | DATE | Date of publication |
publisher | VARCHAR(100) | Publisher name |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
grant_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
research_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Research_Project(research_id) |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Grant name |
amount | DECIMAL(10,2) | Grant amount |
funding_agency | VARCHAR(100) | Funding agency |
start_date | DATE | Start date of the grant |
end_date | DATE | End date of the grant |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
counseling_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
student_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student(student_id) |
counseling_date | DATE | Date of counseling session |
description | TEXT | Description of the session |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
support_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
student_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student(student_id) |
support_date | DATE | Date of support session |
description | TEXT | Description of the session |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
transaction_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
student_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student(student_id) |
amount | DECIMAL(10,2) | Transaction amount |
transaction_date | DATE | Date of transaction |
description | TEXT | Description of the transaction |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
scholarship_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Scholarship name |
amount | DECIMAL(10,2) | Scholarship amount |
student_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student(student_id) |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
library_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Library name |
location | VARCHAR(100) | Library location |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
book_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
library_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Library(library_id) |
title | VARCHAR(100) | Book title |
author | VARCHAR(100) | Book author |
isbn | VARCHAR(20) | Unique, Book ISBN |
publication_year | YEAR | Year of publication |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
journal_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
library_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Library(library_id) |
title | VARCHAR(100) | Journal title |
volume | INT | Volume number |
issue | INT | Issue number |
publication_year | YEAR | Year of publication |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
resource_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
library_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Library(library_id) |
title | VARCHAR(100) | Resource title |
url | VARCHAR(255) | Resource URL |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
organization_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Organization name |
description | TEXT | Organization description |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
club_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
organization_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Student_Organization(organization_id) |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Club name |
description | TEXT | Club description |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
building_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
name | VARCHAR(100) | Unique, Building name |
location | VARCHAR(100) | Building location |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
classroom_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
building_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Building(building_id) |
room_number | VARCHAR(10) | Room number |
capacity | INT | Room capacity |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
lab_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
building_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Building(building_id) |
room_number | VARCHAR(10) | Room number |
capacity | INT | Room capacity |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
office_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
building_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Building(building_id) |
room_number | VARCHAR(10) | Room number |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
area_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
building_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Building(building_id) |
description | TEXT | Area description |
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
payroll_id | INT | Primary Key, Auto Increment |
faculty_id | INT | Foreign Key, references Faculty(faculty_id) |
amount | DECIMAL(10,2) | Payment amount |
payment_date | DATE | Date of payment |
description | TEXT | Payment description |
- One-to-Many: A department can have multiple faculty members.
- Foreign Key:
in Faculty refers todepartment_id
in Department.
- One-to-Many: A department can offer multiple courses.
- Foreign Key:
in Course refers todepartment_id
in Department.
- One-to-Many: A faculty member can lead multiple research projects.
- Foreign Key:
in Research_Project refers tofaculty_id
in Faculty.
- One-to-Many: A research project can have multiple publications.
- Foreign Key:
in Publication refers toresearch_id
in Research_Project.
- One-to-Many: A research project can receive multiple grants.
- Foreign Key:
in Grant refers toresearch_id
in Research_Project.
- Many-to-Many: A student can enroll in multiple courses, and a course can have multiple students.
- Associative Entity: Enrollment table with
as foreign keys referring to Student and Course respectively.
- One-to-Many: A course can have multiple assignments, quizzes, exams, and projects.
- Foreign Key:
in Assignment, Quiz, Exam, and Project refers tocourse_id
in Course.
- One-to-Many: A student can have multiple counseling sessions, support, transactions, and scholarships.
- Foreign Key:
in Career_Counseling, Mental_Health_Support, Financial_Transaction, and Scholarship refers tostudent_id
in Student.
- One-to-Many: A library can have multiple books, journals, and digital resources.
- Foreign Key:
in Book, Journal, and Digital_Resource refers tolibrary_id
in Library.
- One-to-Many: A student organization can have multiple clubs.
- Foreign Key:
in Club refers toorganization_id
in Student_Organization.
- One-to-Many: A building can have multiple classrooms, laboratories, offices, and common areas.
- Foreign Key:
in Classroom, Laboratory, Office, and Common_Area refers tobuilding_id
in Building.
- One-to-Many: A faculty member can have multiple payroll records.
- Foreign Key:
in Payroll refers tofaculty_id
in Faculty.
Here are some common queries that users would likely perform on the database, along with their SQL representations:
- List all students enrolled in a specific course, along with their grades.
SELECT s.student_id, s.first_name, s.last_name, e.grade FROM Student s JOIN Enrollment e ON s.student_id = e.student_id WHERE e.course_id = ?;```
- Find all projects (assignments, quizzes, exams, and research projects) related to a specific course.
SELECT 'Assignment' AS project_type, a.assignment_id AS project_id, a.title, a.due_date AS date, a.max_score FROM Assignment a WHERE a.course_id = ? UNION SELECT 'Quiz', q.quiz_id, q.title,, q.max_score FROM Quiz q WHERE q.course_id = ? UNION SELECT 'Exam', e.exam_id, e.title,, e.max_score FROM Exam e WHERE e.course_id = ? UNION SELECT 'Research Project', rp.research_id, rp.title, rp.start_date AS date, NULL AS max_score FROM Research_Project rp JOIN Faculty f ON rp.faculty_id = f.faculty_id JOIN Course c ON f.department_id = c.department_id WHERE c.course_id = ?;
- Retrieve the details of all financial transactions made by a specific student.
SELECT t.transaction_id, t.amount, t.transaction_date, t.description FROM Financial_Transaction t JOIN Student s ON t.student_id = s.student_id WHERE s.student_id = ?;
- Calculate the average GPA of students in a specific major.
SELECT AVG(e.grade) as average_gpa FROM Enrollment e JOIN Student s ON e.student_id = s.student_id JOIN Course c ON e.course_id = c.course_id JOIN Department d ON c.department_id = d.department_id WHERE = ?;
- Retrieve the schedule of courses offered by a department in a given semester.
SELECT c.course_id,, e.semester, e.year FROM Course c JOIN Enrollment e ON c.course_id = e.course_id JOIN Department d ON c.department_id = d.department_id WHERE = ? AND e.semester = ? AND e.year = ?;
- Identify students who have utilized specific support services.
SELECT s.student_id, s.first_name, s.last_name FROM Student s JOIN Mental_Health_Support mhs ON s.student_id = mhs.student_id WHERE mhs.description LIKE ?;
- List all assignments for a particular course along with their due dates.
SELECT a.assignment_id, a.title, a.due_date FROM Assignment a JOIN Course c ON a.course_id = c.course_id WHERE c.course_id = ?;
- Get a list of all journals available in a specific library.
SELECT j.journal_id, j.title, j.volume, j.issue, j.publication_year FROM Journal j JOIN Library l ON j.library_id = l.library_id WHERE = ?;
- List all scholarships awarded to a particular student.
SELECT sc.scholarship_id,, sc.amount FROM Scholarship sc JOIN Student s ON sc.student_id = s.student_id WHERE s.student_id = ?;
- Get the payroll details for a specific faculty member.
SELECT p.payroll_id, p.amount, p.payment_date, p.description FROM Payroll p JOIN Faculty f ON p.faculty_id = f.faculty_id WHERE f.faculty_id = ?;
- List all exams scheduled for a specific course.
SELECT e.exam_id, e.title,, e.max_score FROM Exam e JOIN Course c ON e.course_id = c.course_id WHERE c.course_id = ?;
The average GPA calculation assumes that grades are stored in a format that can be averaged directly. If grades are letter-based, additional mapping to numeric values would be required.
The database design follows normalization principles to reduce redundancy and ensure data integrity. Foreign key constraints are used to enforce relationships between tables.
Indexes should be created on frequently queried columns, especially foreign keys and any columns used in WHERE clauses to improve query performance.
The design assumes that optional fields like phone_number in Student and Faculty can have null values. Queries should account for possible null values where appropriate.