The basis of this project is to empower users to perform a more in-depth analysis of their health metrics. Comprehensive analysis of health metrics will enable individuals to make more health-conscious decisions, leading to better physical longevity and mental health. The end goal of this project is to use a suite of apps from which to extract physical, mental, and nutritional metrics and perform cross correlative analysis in each of these categories. Hopefully, utilizing the Health Tracker API, we can make insightful conclusions regarding an individual's health status leading to better preventative care and overall well-being. (Currently Supported for Apple Watch and Apple Products)
- Locate the Health App on iPhone and click on the app.
The dictionary illustrated below contains key-value pairs of the following biometrics extracted from the Apple Health App. The intention behind this dictionary is to map concise naming conventions to Apple's naming convention type. The dictionary will make sense shortly when using the more practical naming conventions as arguments in our functions. The following table also contains a description column giving a brief description of the biometric and a link containing either a white paper or article from a reputable institution (Eventually all links will be replaced with peer-reviewed publications).
Dictionary Key Chart
Key | Key Value Health Metrics | Description |
HeartRate | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate | Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute. Heart Rate |
StepCount | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount | Number of flights per day. Number of Steps |
WalkingDistance | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWalkingRunning | Total distace traveled in a day. Walking and Running Health |
BasalEnergyBurned | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalEnergyBurned | Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of how many calories your body burns at rest. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating. Basal Metabolic Rate |
FlightsOfStairs | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierFlightsClimbed | Numebr of flights of stairs per day. Flights of Stairs |
ExerciseTime | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierAppleExerciseTime | Total amount of exercise time in a given day. Exercise Duration and Intensity |
RestingHeartRate | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierRestingHeartRate | A quantity sample type that measures the user’s resting heart rate. Resting Heart Rate |
V02Max | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierVO2Max | VO2 max measures how much oxygen (usually in milliliters) you breathe in while exercising as hard as you can. V02 Max |
WalkingHRAvg | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWalkingHeartRateAverage | A user's average heart rate while walking is correlated to their fitness level, because it corresponds to their heart's efficiency while physically active. Average Heart Rate |
AudioLevels | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeadphoneAudioExposure | Measure discrete values of continuous sound pressure levels generated by headphones. Audio Exposure |
WalkingDoubleSupport | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWalkingDoubleSupportPercentage | The percentage of time when both feet touch the ground. Walking Double Support Percentage |
SixMinWalkingDist | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierSixMinuteWalkTestDistance | The standard six-minute walk test measures the maximum number of meters a user can walk on an unobstructed, flat course. Six Minute Walk Test |
StandTime | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierAppleStandTime | A quantity sample type that measures the amount of time the user has spent standing. Standing Time |
WalkingSpeed | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWalkingSpeed | Walking speed represents how quickly the user walks on flat ground. Walking Speed |
WalkingStepLength | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWalkingStepLength | The distance between a person's front foot and back foot when they walk. Walking Step Length |
WalkingAsymmetry | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWalkingAsymmetryPercentage | Measuring the percentage of steps in which one foot moves at a different speed than the other when walking on flat ground. Walking Asymmetry Percentage |
SleepingGoal | HKDataTypeSleepDurationGoal | Records how often you meet sleep goals. (Awaiting more documentation) |
SleepAnalysis | HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis | A category sample type for sleep analysis information. Sleep Analysis (Apple) |
StandHour | HKCategoryTypeIdentifierAppleStandHour | A category sample type that counts the number of hours in the day during which the user has stood and moved for at least one minute per hour. Stand Hour |
Meditation | HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMindfulSession | Tracks the duration of mindful practices such as mediation. Mindful Session |
HighHeartRate | HKCategoryTypeIdentifierHighHeartRateEvent | Identifies higher than usual heart rates. High Heart Rate |
LowHeartRate | HKCategoryTypeIdentifierLowHeartRateEvent | A category sample type for low heart rate events. Low Heart Rate Event |
HeartRateVarSDNN | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRateVariabilitySDNN | A quantity sample type that measures the standard deviation of heartbeat intervals. Heart Rate Variablity SDNN |